
package ssl

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Package Members

  1. package client
  2. package server
  3. package session

Type Members

  1. sealed trait ApplicationProtocols extends AnyRef

    ApplicationProtocols represent the prioritized list of Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) or Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) values that a configured TLS Engine should support.

    ApplicationProtocols represent the prioritized list of Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) or Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) values that a configured TLS Engine should support.


    Currently supported values include IANA Registered Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) IDs and "spdy/3.1" which is commonly used with Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN).


    Java users: See ApplicationProtocolsConfig.

  2. final class ApplicationProtocolsConfig extends AnyRef

    Java APIs for ApplicationProtocols.

  3. sealed trait CipherSuites extends AnyRef

    CipherSuites represent the collection of prioritized cipher suites that should be enabled for a TLS Engine.

    CipherSuites represent the collection of prioritized cipher suites that should be enabled for a TLS Engine. A cipher suite, for protocols prior to TLSv1.3, is a combination of various algorithms for items such as key exchange, authentication type, bulk encryption algorithm, and message authentication code.


    Java users: See CipherSuitesConfig.

  4. final class CipherSuitesConfig extends AnyRef

    Java APIs for CipherSuites.

  5. sealed trait ClientAuth extends AnyRef

    ClientAuth represents whether one-way or two-way TLS should be used with a TLS Engine.

    ClientAuth represents whether one-way or two-way TLS should be used with a TLS Engine. One-way TLS authentication is where the server sends its certificate to the client for verification. Two-way or mutual TLS is where the server sends its certificate to the client and the client sends its certificate to the server for verification.

    This parameter is only used by SslServerConfiguration.


    Not all engine factories provide support for client authentication, especially with some underlying native engines.


    Java users: See ClientAuthConfig.

  6. final class ClientAuthConfig extends AnyRef

    Java APIs for ClientAuth.

  7. case class Engine(self: SSLEngine, handlesRenegotiation: Boolean = false, certId: String = "<unknown>") extends Product with Serializable
  8. sealed trait KeyCredentials extends AnyRef

    KeyCredentials represent the items necessary for this configured TLS Engine to authenticate itself to a remote peer.

    KeyCredentials represent the items necessary for this configured TLS Engine to authenticate itself to a remote peer. This generally includes an X.509 certificate and a private key.


    Java users: See KeyCredentialsConfig.

  9. final class KeyCredentialsConfig extends AnyRef

    Java APIs for KeyCredentials.

  10. sealed trait Protocols extends AnyRef

    Protocols represent the versions of the TLS protocol which should be enabled with a given TLS Engine.

    Protocols represent the versions of the TLS protocol which should be enabled with a given TLS Engine.


    Java users: See ProtocolsConfig.

  11. final class ProtocolsConfig extends AnyRef

    Java APIs for Protocols.

  12. case class SslConfigurationException(cause: Throwable) extends SslException with Product with Serializable

    SslConfigurationException is an exception which is thrown by a particular engine factory when the engine factory does not support the collection of parameters specified by the SslClientConfiguration or the SslServerConfiguration.

  13. sealed trait TrustCredentials extends AnyRef

    TrustCredentials represent the items necessary for this configured TLS Engine to verify a remote peer's credentials.

    TrustCredentials represent the items necessary for this configured TLS Engine to verify a remote peer's credentials.


    Java users: See TrustCredentialsConfig.

  14. final class TrustCredentialsConfig extends AnyRef

    Java APIs for TrustCredentials.

Value Members

  1. object ApplicationProtocols
  2. object CipherSuites
  3. object ClientAuth
  4. object KeyCredentials
  5. object Protocols
  6. object TrustCredentials
