



package serverset2

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Endpoint(names: Array[String], host: String, port: Int, shard: Int, status: Endpoint.Status.Value, memberId: String) extends Entry with Product with Serializable

    Endpoints encode a destination announced via serversets.

    Endpoints encode a destination announced via serversets.


    The host of the endpoint (or null if unset).


    The port of the endpoint (or Int.MinValue if unset).


    The shard id of the endpoint (or Int.MinValue if unset).


    The endpoint's status.


    The endpoint's member id, used as a foreign key for endpoints.

  2. sealed trait Entry extends AnyRef

    Represents one logical serverset2 entry.

  3. trait Identity extends AnyRef

    An Identity provides identifying metadata for a process.

    An Identity provides identifying metadata for a process. Identifiers provide a uniform method of accessing identifying data for processes running in different environments.

    They are identified by a scheme and id. The scheme provides the name of the Identifier, and provides a context for id. The id will be None if the Identifier cannot resolve information for the process, or Some[String] if information is available.

    Identities have an associated priority, to allow for ordering when enumerating multiple Identities.

    These are loaded by Finagle through the service loading mechanism. Thus, in order to implement a new Identity, a class implementing Identity with a 0-arg constructor must be registered in a file named META-INF/services/com.twitter.finagle.serverset2.Identity included in the classpath; see Oracle's ServiceLoader documentation for further details.

  4. class RetryStream extends AnyRef
  5. class UserIdentity extends Identity

    Identity that represents the user a process is running as.

    Identity that represents the user a process is running as.

    scheme: "user" id: Some(username) if available priority: 99

  6. class Zk2Resolver extends Resolver

    A com.twitter.finagle.Resolver for the "zk2" service discovery scheme.

    A com.twitter.finagle.Resolver for the "zk2" service discovery scheme.

    Resolution is achieved by looking up registered ServerSet paths within a service discovery ZooKeeper cluster. See Zk2Resolver.bind for details.

Value Members

  1. object Endpoint extends Serializable
  2. object Entry
  3. object RetryStream

    Infinite stream of retry durations.

    Infinite stream of retry durations. Every call to next advances the stream where a call to reset moves the stream back to its initial value.

  4. object chatty extends GlobalFlag[Boolean]
  5. object dnsCacheSize extends GlobalFlag[Long]
  6. object zkConcurrentOperations extends GlobalFlag[Int]
