



package syntax

Linear Supertypes
Values, Dupe, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. syntax
  2. Values
  3. Dupe
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class AmbigId(value: String) extends AmbigPath with SuperId with ThisId with Product with Serializable
  2. sealed trait AmbigPath extends Path
  3. final case class AmbigSelect(qual: Path, id: AmbigId) extends AmbigPath with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class AnonId() extends Id with SuperId with ThisId with UnambigId with Product with Serializable
  5. sealed trait Bounded extends Tree
  6. final case class Case(pat: Pat, cond: Option[Term], stats: List[Stat]) extends Tree with Product with Serializable
  7. final case class CtorId() extends NamedId with Product with Serializable
  8. final case class DefnClass(mods: Mods, id: TptId, tparams: List[TypeParam], primaryCtor: Option[PrimaryCtor], earlies: List[Stat], parents: List[Parent], self: Option[Self], stats: List[Stat]) extends DefnTemplate with TypeOutline with Product with Serializable
  9. final case class DefnConstant(mods: Mods, id: TermId) extends Stat with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  10. final case class DefnCtor(mods: Mods, id: CtorId, paramss: List[List[Param]], rhs: Term) extends DefnDef with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  11. sealed trait DefnDef extends Stat with Parameterized with TermOutline
  12. final case class DefnField(mods: Mods, id: TermId, tpt: Option[Tpt], rhs: Option[Term]) extends Stat with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  13. final case class DefnMacro(mods: Mods, id: TermId, tparams: List[TypeParam], paramss: List[List[Param]], ret: Option[Tpt], rhs: Term) extends DefnDef with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  14. final case class DefnMethod(mods: Mods, id: TermId, tparams: List[TypeParam], paramss: List[List[Param]], ret: Option[Tpt], rhs: Option[Term]) extends DefnDef with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  15. final case class DefnObject(mods: Mods, id: TermId, earlies: List[Stat], inits: List[Init], self: Option[Self], stats: List[Stat]) extends DefnTemplate with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  16. final case class DefnPackage(mods: Mods, pid: TermPath, stats: List[Stat]) extends Stat with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  17. final case class DefnPackageObject(mods: Mods, id: TermId, earlies: List[Stat], inits: List[Init], self: Option[Self], stats: List[Stat]) extends DefnTemplate with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  18. final case class DefnPat(mods: Mods, pats: List[Pat], tpt: Option[Tpt], rhs: Option[Term]) extends Stat with Product with Serializable
  19. final case class DefnProcedure(mods: Mods, id: TermId, tparams: List[TypeParam], paramss: List[List[Param]], rhs: Option[Term]) extends DefnDef with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  20. sealed trait DefnTemplate extends Stat with Parameterized with Outline
  21. final case class DefnType(mods: Mods, id: TptId, tparams: List[TypeParam], lo: Option[Tpt], hi: Option[Tpt], rhs: Option[Tpt]) extends Stat with Bounded with Parameterized with TypeOutline with Product with Serializable
  22. trait Dupe extends AnyRef
  23. implicit class DupeTreeOps[T <: Tree] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  24. sealed trait Enumerator extends Tree
  25. final case class EnumeratorGenerator(pat: Pat, rhs: Term) extends Enumerator with Product with Serializable
  26. final case class EnumeratorGuard(cond: Term) extends Enumerator with Product with Serializable
  27. final case class EnumeratorVal(pat: Pat, rhs: Term) extends Enumerator with Product with Serializable
  28. sealed trait Id extends Tree
  29. final case class Import(importers: List[Importer]) extends Stat with Product with Serializable
  30. sealed trait Importee extends Tree
  31. final case class ImporteeName(id: AmbigId) extends Importee with Product with Serializable
  32. final case class ImporteeRename(from: AmbigId, to: AmbigId) extends Importee with Product with Serializable
  33. final case class ImporteeUnimport(id: AmbigId) extends Importee with Product with Serializable
  34. final case class ImporteeWildcard() extends Importee with Product with Serializable
  35. final case class Importer(mods: Mods, qual: Path, importees: List[Importee]) extends Tree with Product with Serializable
  36. final case class Init(tpt: Tpt, argss: List[List[Term]]) extends Parent with Term with Product with Serializable
  37. sealed trait Mod extends Tree
  38. final case class ModAbstract() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  39. sealed trait ModAccess extends Mod
  40. final case class ModAnnotation(init: Init) extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  41. final case class ModAnnotationInterface() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  42. final case class ModCase() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  43. final case class ModClass() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  44. final case class ModContravariant() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  45. final case class ModCovariant() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  46. final case class ModDefault() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  47. final case class ModDims() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  48. final case class ModEnum() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  49. final case class ModFinal() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  50. final case class ModImplicit() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  51. final case class ModInterface() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  52. final case class ModLazy() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  53. final case class ModNative() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  54. final case class ModOverride() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  55. final case class ModPrivate() extends ModAccess with Product with Serializable
  56. final case class ModPrivateThis() extends ModAccess with Product with Serializable
  57. final case class ModPrivateWithin(id: AmbigId) extends ModWithin with Product with Serializable
  58. final case class ModProtected() extends ModAccess with Product with Serializable
  59. final case class ModProtectedThis() extends ModAccess with Product with Serializable
  60. final case class ModProtectedWithin(id: AmbigId) extends ModWithin with Product with Serializable
  61. final case class ModPublic() extends ModAccess with Product with Serializable
  62. final case class ModSealed() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  63. final case class ModStatic() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  64. final case class ModStrictfp() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  65. final case class ModSynchronized() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  66. final case class ModThrows(tpts: List[Tpt]) extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  67. final case class ModTrait() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  68. final case class ModTransient() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  69. final case class ModVal() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  70. final case class ModVar() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  71. final case class ModVolatile() extends Mod with Product with Serializable
  72. sealed trait ModWithin extends ModAccess with Sketchy
  73. sealed trait Modded extends Tree
  74. final case class Mods(trees: List[Mod]) extends Modded with Product with Serializable
  75. sealed trait NamedId extends UnambigId with UnambigPath
  76. sealed trait Outline extends Modded
  77. final case class Param(mods: Mods, id: UnambigId, tpt: Option[Tpt], rhs: Option[Term]) extends Tree with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  78. sealed trait Parameterized extends Outline
  79. sealed trait Parent extends Tree
  80. final case class ParentExtends(tpt: Tpt) extends Parent with Product with Serializable
  81. final case class ParentImplements(tpt: Tpt) extends Parent with Product with Serializable
  82. sealed trait Pat extends Tree
  83. final case class PatAlternative(pats: List[Pat]) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  84. final case class PatBind(pats: List[Pat]) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  85. final case class PatExtract(fun: TermPath, targs: List[Tpt], args: List[Pat]) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  86. final case class PatExtractInfix(lhs: Pat, op: TermId, rhs: Pat) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  87. final case class PatId(value: String) extends Pat with NamedId with Product with Serializable
  88. final case class PatInterpolate(id: TermId, parts: List[PatLit], args: List[Pat]) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  89. final case class PatLit(value: Any) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  90. final case class PatRepeat(pat: Pat) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  91. final case class PatSelect(qual: TermPath, id: TermId) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  92. final case class PatTuple(args: List[Pat]) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  93. final case class PatVar(mods: Mods, id: UnambigId, tpt: Option[Tpt]) extends Pat with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  94. final case class PatXml(raw: String) extends Pat with Product with Serializable
  95. sealed trait Path extends Tree
  96. final case class PrimaryCtor(mods: Mods, paramss: List[List[Param]]) extends DefnDef with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  97. final case class Self(id: UnambigId, tpt: Option[Tpt]) extends Stat with TermOutline with Product with Serializable
  98. sealed trait Sketchy extends Tree
  99. final case class Source(stats: List[Stat]) extends Tree with Product with Serializable
  100. sealed trait Stat extends Tree
  101. sealed trait SuperId extends Id
  102. sealed trait Term extends Stat
  103. final case class TermAnnotate(fun: Term, mods: Mods) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  104. final case class TermApply(fun: Term, args: List[Term]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  105. final case class TermApplyInfix(lhs: Term, op: TermId, targs: List[Tpt], args: List[Term]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  106. final case class TermApplyPostfix(arg: Term, op: TermId) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  107. final case class TermApplyPrefix(op: TermId, arg: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  108. final case class TermApplyType(fun: Term, targs: List[Tpt]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  109. final case class TermAscribe(term: Term, tpt: Tpt) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  110. final case class TermAssign(lhs: Term, rhs: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  111. final case class TermBlock(stats: List[Stat]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  112. final case class TermDo(body: Term, cond: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  113. final case class TermEta(term: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  114. final case class TermFor(enums: List[Enumerator], body: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  115. final case class TermForYield(enums: List[Enumerator], body: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  116. final case class TermFunction(params: List[Param], body: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  117. final case class TermId(value: String) extends TermPath with NamedId with Product with Serializable
  118. final case class TermIf(cond: Term, thenp: Term, elsep: Option[Term]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  119. final case class TermInterpolate(id: TermId, parts: List[TermLit], args: List[Term]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  120. final case class TermLit(value: Any) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  121. final case class TermMatch(term: Term, cases: List[Case]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  122. final case class TermNew(init: Init) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  123. final case class TermNewAnonymous(earlies: List[Stat], inits: List[Init], self: Option[Self], stats: Option[List[Stat]]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  124. sealed trait TermOutline extends Outline
  125. final case class TermPartialFunction(cases: List[Case]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  126. sealed trait TermPath extends Term with UnambigPath
  127. final case class TermRepeat(term: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  128. final case class TermReturn(term: Option[Term]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  129. final case class TermSelect(qual: Term, id: TermId) extends TermPath with Product with Serializable
  130. final case class TermStub() extends Term with Product with Serializable
  131. final case class TermSuper(qual: ThisId, mix: SuperId) extends TermPath with Product with Serializable
  132. final case class TermThis(qual: ThisId) extends TermPath with Product with Serializable
  133. final case class TermThrow(term: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  134. final case class TermTry(term: Term, catchp: List[Case], finallyp: Option[Term]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  135. final case class TermTryWithHandler(term: Term, catchp: Term, finallyp: Option[Term]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  136. final case class TermTuple(args: List[Term]) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  137. final case class TermWhile(cond: Term, body: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  138. final case class TermWildcard() extends Term with Product with Serializable
  139. final case class TermWildcardFunction(ids: List[AnonId], body: Term) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  140. final case class TermXml(raw: String) extends Term with Product with Serializable
  141. sealed trait ThisId extends Id
  142. sealed trait Tpt extends Tree with Sketchy
  143. final case class TptAnnotate(tpt: Tpt, mods: Mods) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  144. sealed trait TptApply extends Tpt
  145. final case class TptArray(tpt: Tpt) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  146. final case class TptBoolean() extends TptPrimitive with Product with Serializable
  147. final case class TptByName(tpt: Tpt) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  148. final case class TptByte() extends TptPrimitive with Product with Serializable
  149. final case class TptChar() extends TptPrimitive with Product with Serializable
  150. final case class TptDouble() extends TptPrimitive with Product with Serializable
  151. final case class TptExistential(tpt: Tpt, stats: List[Stat]) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  152. final case class TptFloat() extends TptPrimitive with Product with Serializable
  153. final case class TptFunction(targs: List[Tpt]) extends TptApply with Product with Serializable
  154. final case class TptId(value: String) extends TptPath with NamedId with Product with Serializable
  155. final case class TptInt() extends TptPrimitive with Product with Serializable
  156. final case class TptIntersect(tpts: List[Tpt]) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  157. final case class TptLit(value: Any) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  158. final case class TptLong() extends TptPrimitive with Product with Serializable
  159. final case class TptParameterize(fun: Tpt, targs: List[Tpt]) extends TptApply with Product with Serializable
  160. final case class TptParameterizeInfix(lhs: Tpt, op: TptId, rhs: Tpt) extends TptApply with Product with Serializable
  161. sealed trait TptPath extends Tpt with UnambigPath
  162. sealed trait TptPrimitive extends Tpt
  163. final case class TptProject(qual: Tpt, id: TptId) extends TptPath with Product with Serializable
  164. final case class TptRefine(tpt: Option[Tpt], stats: List[Stat]) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  165. final case class TptRepeat(tpt: Tpt) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  166. final case class TptSelect(qual: Path, id: TptId) extends TptPath with Product with Serializable
  167. final case class TptShort() extends TptPrimitive with Product with Serializable
  168. final case class TptSingleton(qual: TermPath) extends TptPath with Product with Serializable
  169. final case class TptTuple(targs: List[Tpt]) extends TptApply with Product with Serializable
  170. final case class TptVoid() extends TptPrimitive with Product with Serializable
  171. final case class TptWildcard(lbound: Option[Tpt], ubound: Option[Tpt]) extends Tpt with Bounded with Product with Serializable
  172. final case class TptWildcardExistential(ids: List[AnonId], tpt: Tpt) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  173. final case class TptWith(tpts: List[Tpt]) extends Tpt with Product with Serializable
  174. sealed trait Tree extends Pretty with Product
  175. sealed trait TypeOutline extends Outline
  176. final case class TypeParam(mods: Mods, id: UnambigId, tparams: List[TypeParam], lbound: Option[Tpt], ubound: Option[Tpt], vbounds: List[Tpt], cbounds: List[Tpt]) extends Tree with Bounded with Parameterized with TypeOutline with Product with Serializable
  177. sealed trait UnambigId extends Id
  178. sealed trait UnambigPath extends Path
  179. trait Values extends AnyRef
  180. implicit class SyntaxGensymOps extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. object CtorId extends Serializable
  2. object NamedId
  3. object TptApply

Inherited from Values

Inherited from Dupe

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
