Class ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic

  extended by akka.routing.ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic
All Implemented Interfaces:
NoSerializationVerificationNeeded, RoutingLogic, java.io.Serializable, scala.Equals, scala.Product

public final class ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic
extends java.lang.Object
implements RoutingLogic, scala.Product, scala.Serializable

Broadcasts the message to all routees, and replies with the first response.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic(scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration within)
Method Summary
 Routee select(java.lang.Object message, scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq<Routee> routees)
          Pick the destination for a given message.
 scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration within()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface scala.Product
productArity, productElement, productIterator, productPrefix
Methods inherited from interface scala.Equals
canEqual, equals

Constructor Detail


public ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic(scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration within)
Method Detail


public scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration within()


public Routee select(java.lang.Object message,
                     scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq<Routee> routees)
Description copied from interface: RoutingLogic
Pick the destination for a given message. Normally it picks one of the passed routees, but in the end it is up to the implementation to return whatever Routee to use for sending a specific message.

When implemented from Java it can be good to know that routees.apply(index) can be used to get an element from the IndexedSeq.

Specified by:
select in interface RoutingLogic