

package akka
package akka.actor
package akka.event
package akka.io
package akka.io.dns



package akka.japi
package akka.pattern

== Commonly Used Patterns With Akka ==

== Commonly Used Patterns With Akka ==

This package is used as a collection point for usage patterns which involve actors, futures, etc. but are loosely enough coupled to (multiple of) them to present them separately from the core implementation. Currently supported are:

  • ask: create a temporary one-off actor for receiving a reply to a message and complete a scala.concurrent.Future with it; returns said Future.

  • pipeTo: feed eventually computed value of a future to an akka.actor.ActorRef as a message.

  • pipeToSelection: feed eventually computed value of a future to an akka.actor.ActorSelection as a message.

In Scala the recommended usage is to import the pattern from the package object:

import akka.pattern.ask

ask(actor, message) // use it directly
actor ask message   // use it by implicit conversion

For Java the patterns are available as static methods of the akka.pattern.Patterns class:

import static akka.pattern.Patterns.ask;

ask(actor, message);

== Extended Versions Of Akka Patterns ==

== Extended Versions Of Akka Patterns ==

This subpackage contains extended versions of Akka patterns.

Currently supported are:

  • ask: create a temporary one-off actor for receiving a reply to a message and complete a scala.concurrent.Future with it; returns said Future. a message.

In Scala the recommended usage is to import the pattern from the package object:

import akka.pattern.extended.ask

ask(actor, askSender => Request(askSender)) // use it directly
actor ask (Request(_))   // use it by implicit conversion

For Java the patterns are available as static methods of the akka.pattern.Patterns class:

import static akka.pattern.Patterns.ask;

ask(actor, new akka.japi.Function<ActorRef, Object> {
 Object apply(ActorRef askSender) {
   return new Request(askSender);
package akka.routing
package akka.util



Based on https://github.com/scala/scala-collection-compat/blob/master/compat/src/main/scala-2.13/scala/collection/compat/package.scala but reproduced here so we don't need to add a dependency on this library. It contains much more than we need right now, and is not promising binary compatibility yet at the time of writing.