
See theWsTestClient companion object
trait WsTestClient

A standalone test client that is useful for running standalone integration tests.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object WsTestClient.type

Members list

Type members


type Port = Int

Value members

Concrete methods

def withClient[T](block: WSClient => T)(implicit port: Port, scheme: String): T

Run the given block of code with a client.

Run the given block of code with a client.

The client passed to the block of code supports absolute path relative URLs passed to the url method. If an absolute path relative URL is used, the protocol is assumed to be http, the host localhost, and the port is the implicit port parameter passed to this method. This is designed to work smoothly with the Server.with* methods, for example:

Server.withRouter() {
 case GET(p"/hello/$who") => Action(Ok("Hello " + who))
} { implicit port =>
 withClient { ws =>
   await(ws.url("/hello/world").get()).body must_== "Hello world"

Value parameters


The block of code to run


The port



The result of the block of code

def wsCall(call: Call)(implicit port: Port, client: (Port, String) => WSClient, scheme: String): WSRequest

Constructs a WS request for the given reverse route. Optionally takes a WSClient producing function. Note that the WS client used by default requires a running Play application (use WithApplication for tests).

Constructs a WS request for the given reverse route. Optionally takes a WSClient producing function. Note that the WS client used by default requires a running Play application (use WithApplication for tests).

For example:

"work" in new WithApplication() { implicit app =>


def wsUrl(url: String)(implicit port: Port, client: (Port, String) => WSClient, scheme: String): WSRequest

Constructs a WS request holder for the given relative URL. Optionally takes a scheme, a port, or a client producing function. Note that the WS client used by default requires a running Play application (use WithApplication for tests).

Constructs a WS request holder for the given relative URL. Optionally takes a scheme, a port, or a client producing function. Note that the WS client used by default requires a running Play application (use WithApplication for tests).
