Class ConfigResolveOptions

  extended by com.typesafe.config.ConfigResolveOptions

public final class ConfigResolveOptions
extends Object

A set of options related to resolving substitutions. Substitutions use the ${} syntax and are documented in the HOCON spec.

This object is immutable, so the "setters" return a new object.

Here is an example of creating a custom ConfigResolveOptions:

     ConfigResolveOptions options = ConfigResolveOptions.defaults()

In addition to defaults(), there's a prebuilt noSystem() which avoids looking at any system environment variables or other external system information. (Right now, environment variables are the only example.)

Method Summary
static ConfigResolveOptions defaults()
          Returns the default resolve options.
 boolean getUseSystemEnvironment()
          Returns whether the options enable use of system environment variables.
static ConfigResolveOptions noSystem()
          Returns resolve options that disable any reference to "system" data (currently, this means environment variables).
 ConfigResolveOptions setUseSystemEnvironment(boolean value)
          Returns options with use of environment variables set to the given value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static ConfigResolveOptions defaults()
Returns the default resolve options.

the default resolve options


public static ConfigResolveOptions noSystem()
Returns resolve options that disable any reference to "system" data (currently, this means environment variables).

the resolve options with env variables disabled


public ConfigResolveOptions setUseSystemEnvironment(boolean value)
Returns options with use of environment variables set to the given value.

value - true to resolve substitutions falling back to environment variables.
options with requested setting for use of environment variables


public boolean getUseSystemEnvironment()
Returns whether the options enable use of system environment variables. This method is mostly used by the config lib internally, not by applications.

true if environment variables should be used