
final class TastyReader(val bytes: Array[Byte], start: Int, end: Int, val base: Int)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members


def this(bytes: Array[Byte])

Concrete methods

def addr(idx: Int): Addr
def assertEnd(end: Addr, info: String): Unit
def assertShort(cond: Boolean, msg: => String): Unit
def assertSoft(cond: Boolean, msg: => String): Unit
def collectWhile[T](cond: => Boolean)(op: => T): List[T]

Perform op while condition cond holds and collect results in a list.

Perform op while condition cond holds and collect results in a list.


def doUntil(end: Addr)(op: => Unit): Unit
def forkAt(start: Addr): TastyReader
def goto(addr: Addr): Unit
def ifBefore[T](end: Addr)(op: => T, default: T): T

If before given end address, the result of op, otherwise default

If before given end address, the result of op, otherwise default


def index(addr: Addr): Int
def isAtEnd: Boolean
def nextByte: Int
def readAddr(): Addr
def readByte(): Int
def readBytes(n: Int): Array[Byte]

Read the next n bytes of data.

Read the next n bytes of data.


def readEnd(): Addr
def readInt(): Int
def readLongInt(): Long

Read a long integer number in 2's complement big endian format, base 128.

Read a long integer number in 2's complement big endian format, base 128.


def readLongNat(): Long

Read a natural number fitting in a Long in big endian format, base 128. All but the last digits have bit 0x80 set.

Read a natural number fitting in a Long in big endian format, base 128. All but the last digits have bit 0x80 set.


def readNat(): Int

Read an uncompressed Long stored in 8 bytes in big endian format.

Read an uncompressed Long stored in 8 bytes in big endian format.


def shortExc(msg: String): Nothing
def softAssertEnd(end: Addr, info: String): Unit
def until[T](end: Addr)(op: => T): List[T]

Perform op until end address is reached and collect results in a list.

Perform op until end address is reached and collect results in a list.


Concrete fields

val base: Int
val bytes: Array[Byte]