
class ConfigSSLContextBuilder(mkLogger: LoggerFactory, info: SSLConfigSettings, keyManagerFactory: KeyManagerFactoryWrapper, trustManagerFactory: TrustManagerFactoryWrapper) extends SSLContextBuilder

Creates an SSL context builder from info objects.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def build(): SSLContext
def buildCompositeTrustManager(trustManagerInfo: TrustManagerConfig, revocationEnabled: Boolean, revocationLists: Option[Seq[CRL]], debug: SSLDebugConfig): CompositeX509TrustManager
def buildKeyManager(ksc: KeyStoreConfig, debug: SSLDebugConfig): X509KeyManager

Builds a key manager from a keystore, using the KeyManagerFactory.

Builds a key manager from a keystore, using the KeyManagerFactory.

def buildSSLContext(protocol: String, keyManagers: Seq[KeyManager], trustManagers: Seq[TrustManager], secureRandom: Option[SecureRandom]): SSLContext
def buildTrustManager(tsc: TrustStoreConfig, revocationEnabled: Boolean, revocationLists: Option[Seq[CRL]], debug: SSLDebugConfig): X509TrustManager

Builds trust managers, using a TrustManagerFactory internally.

Builds trust managers, using a TrustManagerFactory internally.

def buildTrustManagerParameters(trustStore: KeyStore, revocationEnabled: Boolean, revocationLists: Option[Seq[CRL]]): CertPathTrustManagerParameters
def certificateRevocationList(sslConfig: SSLConfigSettings): Option[Seq[CRL]]
def fileBuilder(storeType: String, filePath: String, password: Option[Array[Char]]): KeyStoreBuilder
def fileOnClasspathBuilder(storeType: String, filePath: String, password: Option[Array[Char]]): KeyStoreBuilder
def generateCRL(inputStream: InputStream): CRL
def generateCRLFromFile(file: File): CRL
def generateCRLFromURL(url: URL): CRL
def stringBuilder(data: String): KeyStoreBuilder
def validateStoreContainsPrivateKeys(ksc: KeyStoreConfig, keyStore: KeyStore): Boolean

Validates that a key store (as opposed to a trust store) contains private keys for client authentication.

Validates that a key store (as opposed to a trust store) contains private keys for client authentication.

Returns true if the keystore should throw an exception as a result of the JSSE bug 6879539, false otherwise.

Returns true if the keystore should throw an exception as a result of the JSSE bug 6879539, false otherwise.

Concrete fields

protected val logger: NoDepsLogger