Interface SearchResultHandler<T>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SearchResultHandler<T>
    An interface for handling the search result response. Methods will be called in the order they are received.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void extension​(String urn, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode extensionObjectNode)
      Handle a schema extension in the search response.
      void itemsPerPage​(int itemsPerPage)
      Handle the itemsPerPage in the search response.
      boolean resource​(T scimResource)
      Handle a search result resource.
      void startIndex​(int startIndex)
      Handle the startIndex in the search response.
      void totalResults​(int totalResults)
      Handle the totalResults in the search response.
    • Method Detail

      • startIndex

        void startIndex​(int startIndex)
        Handle the startIndex in the search response.
        startIndex - The startIndex.
      • itemsPerPage

        void itemsPerPage​(int itemsPerPage)
        Handle the itemsPerPage in the search response.
        itemsPerPage - The itemsPerPage.
      • totalResults

        void totalResults​(int totalResults)
        Handle the totalResults in the search response.
        totalResults - The totalResults.
      • resource

        boolean resource​(T scimResource)
        Handle a search result resource.
        scimResource - A search result resource.
        true to continue processing the search result response or false to immediate stop further processing of the response.
      • extension

        void extension​(String urn,
                       com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode extensionObjectNode)
        Handle a schema extension in the search response.
        urn - The URN of the extension schema.
        extensionObjectNode - The ObjectNode representing the extension schema.