Class Path

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Path
    extends Object
    implements Iterable<Path.Element>
    This class represents a path to one or more JSON values that are the targets of a SCIM PATCH operation. A path may also be used to describe which JSON values to get or set when manipulating SCIM resources using the GenericScimResource class.
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  Path.Element
      This class represents an element of the path.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Path attribute​(Path path)
      Create a new path to the sub-attribute path of the attribute referenced by this path.
      Path attribute​(String attribute)
      Create a new path to a sub-attribute of the attribute referenced by this path.
      Path attribute​(String attribute, Filter valueFilter)
      Create a new path to a sub-set of values of a sub-attribute of the attribute referenced by this path.
      boolean equals​(Object o)  
      static Path fromString​(String pathString)
      Parse a path from its string representation.
      Path.Element getElement​(int index)
      Retrieves the path element at the specified index.
      String getSchemaUrn()
      Retrieves the schema URN of the attribute referenced by this path.
      int hashCode()  
      boolean isRoot()
      Whether this path targets the root of the JSON object that represents the SCIM resource or an schema extension.
      Iterator<Path.Element> iterator()
      Path replace​(int index, Filter valueFilter)
      Create a new path where the filter at the specified index is replaced with the one provided.
      Path replace​(int index, String attribute)
      Create a new path where the attribute at the specified index is replaced with the one provided.
      Path replace​(int index, String attribute, Filter valueFilter)
      Create a new path where the attribute and filter at the specified index is replaced with those provided.
      static Path root()
      Creates a path to the root of the JSON object that represents the SCIM resource.
      static <T> Path root​(Class<T> extensionClass)
      Creates a path to the root of the JSON object that contains all the extension attributes of an extension schema defined by the provided class.
      static Path root​(String schemaUrn)
      Creates a path to the root of the JSON object that contains all the attributes of a schema.
      int size()
      Retrieves the number of elements in this path.
      Path subPath​(int index)
      Creates a new path from beginning portion of this path to the specified index (exclusive).
      String toString()
      void toString​(StringBuilder builder)
      Append the string representation of the attribute path to the provided buffer.
      Path withoutFilters()
      Create a new path from this path with any value filters removed.
    • Method Detail

      • attribute

        public Path attribute​(String attribute)
        Create a new path to a sub-attribute of the attribute referenced by this path.
        attribute - The name of the sub-attribute.
        A new path to a sub-attribute of the attribute referenced by this path.
      • attribute

        public Path attribute​(String attribute,
                              Filter valueFilter)
        Create a new path to a sub-set of values of a sub-attribute of the attribute referenced by this path.
        attribute - The name of the sub-attribute.
        valueFilter - The value filter.
        A new path to a sub-attribute of the attribute referenced by this path.
      • attribute

        public Path attribute​(Path path)
        Create a new path to the sub-attribute path of the attribute referenced by this path.
        path - The path of the sub-attribute.
        A new path to a sub-attribute of the attribute referenced by this path.
      • replace

        public Path replace​(int index,
                            String attribute,
                            Filter valueFilter)
        Create a new path where the attribute and filter at the specified index is replaced with those provided.
        index - The index of the element to replace.
        attribute - The replacement attribute.
        valueFilter - The replacement value filter.
        The new path.
      • replace

        public Path replace​(int index,
                            String attribute)
        Create a new path where the attribute at the specified index is replaced with the one provided.
        index - The index of the element to replace.
        attribute - The replacement attribute.
        The new path.
      • replace

        public Path replace​(int index,
                            Filter valueFilter)
        Create a new path where the filter at the specified index is replaced with the one provided.
        index - The index of the element to replace.
        valueFilter - The replacement value filter.
        The new path.
      • subPath

        public Path subPath​(int index)
                     throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Creates a new path from beginning portion of this path to the specified index (exclusive). The last element in the newly created path will be the provided index - 1.
        index - The exclusive index of the endpoint path element.
        A new path to a beginning portion of this path.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > size())
      • isRoot

        public boolean isRoot()
        Whether this path targets the root of the JSON object that represents the SCIM resource or an schema extension.
        true if this path targets the root of the JSON object that represents the SCIM resource or an schema extension or false otherwise.
      • size

        public int size()
        Retrieves the number of elements in this path.
        the number of elements in this path.
      • withoutFilters

        public Path withoutFilters()
        Create a new path from this path with any value filters removed.
        A new path from this path with any value filters removed.
      • fromString

        public static Path fromString​(String pathString)
                               throws BadRequestException
        Parse a path from its string representation.
        pathString - The string representation of the path.
        The parsed path.
        BadRequestException - if the path string could not be parsed.
      • root

        public static Path root()
        Creates a path to the root of the JSON object that represents the SCIM resource.
        The path to the root of the JSON object that represents the SCIM resource.
      • root

        public static Path root​(String schemaUrn)
        Creates a path to the root of the JSON object that contains all the attributes of a schema.
        schemaUrn - The schema URN or null.
        The path to the root of the JSON object that contains all the attributes of an extension URN.
      • root

        public static <T> Path root​(Class<T> extensionClass)
        Creates a path to the root of the JSON object that contains all the extension attributes of an extension schema defined by the provided class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The generic type parameter of the Java class used to represent the extension.
        extensionClass - The the extension class that defines the extension schema.
        The path to the root of the JSON object that contains all the extension attributes of an extension schema.
      • getSchemaUrn

        public String getSchemaUrn()
        Retrieves the schema URN of the attribute referenced by this path.
        The schema URN of the attribute referenced by this path or null if not specified.
      • toString

        public void toString​(StringBuilder builder)
        Append the string representation of the attribute path to the provided buffer.
        builder - The buffer to which the string representation of the attribute path is to be appended.