Class MapperFactory

  • public class MapperFactory
    extends Object
    Class used to customize the object mapper that is used by the SCIM 2 SDK.
    • Method Detail

      • setDeserializationCustomFeatures

        public MapperFactory setDeserializationCustomFeatures​(Map<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature,​Boolean> customFeatures)
        Sets custom deserialization features for any JSON ObjectMapper that is used and returned by the SCIM 2 SDK. This class should be used to configure any object mapper customizations needed prior to using any method in the JsonUtils class.
        customFeatures - The list of custom deserialization feature settings.
        this object.
      • setJsonGeneratorCustomFeatures

        public MapperFactory setJsonGeneratorCustomFeatures​(Map<com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator.Feature,​Boolean> customFeatures)
        Sets custom JSON generator features for any JSON ObjectMapper that is used and returned by the SCIM 2 SDK. This class should be used to configure any object mapper customizations needed prior to using any method in the JsonUtils class.
        customFeatures - The list of custom JSON generator feature settings.
        this object.
      • setJsonParserCustomFeatures

        public MapperFactory setJsonParserCustomFeatures​(Map<com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.Feature,​Boolean> customFeatures)
        Sets custom JSON parser features for any JSON ObjectMapper that is used and returned by the SCIM 2 SDK. This class should be used to configure any object mapper customizations needed prior to using any method in the JsonUtils class.
        customFeatures - The list of custom JSON parser feature settings.
        this object.
      • setMapperCustomFeatures

        public MapperFactory setMapperCustomFeatures​(Map<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature,​Boolean> customFeatures)
        Sets custom mapper features for any JSON ObjectMapper that is used and returned by the SCIM 2 SDK. This class should be used to configure any object mapper customizations needed prior to using any method in the JsonUtils class.
        customFeatures - The list of custom mapper feature settings.
        this object.
      • setSerializationCustomFeatures

        public MapperFactory setSerializationCustomFeatures​(Map<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature,​Boolean> customFeatures)
        Sets custom serialization features for any JSON ObjectMapper that is used and returned by the SCIM 2 SDK. This class should be used to configure any object mapper customizations needed prior to using any method in the JsonUtils class.
        customFeatures - The list of custom serialization feature settings.
        this object.
      • createObjectMapper

        public static com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper createObjectMapper()
        Creates a custom SCIM compatible Jackson ObjectMapper. Creating new ObjectMapper instances are expensive so instances should be shared if possible. This can be used to set the factory used to build new instances of the object mapper used by the SCIM 2 SDK.
        an Object Mapper with the correct options set for serializing and deserializing SCIM JSON objects.