Class JSONOptions

  • public final class JSONOptions
    extends Object
    Includes options to control how CBOR objects are converted to JSON.
    • Field Detail

      • Default

        public static final JSONOptions Default
        The default options for converting CBOR objects to JSON.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JSONOptions

        public JSONOptions()
        Initializes a new instance of the JSONOptions class with default options.
      • JSONOptions

        public JSONOptions​(boolean base64Padding)
        Initializes a new instance of the JSONOptions class with the given values for the options.
        base64Padding - Whether padding is included when writing data in base64url or traditional base64 format to JSON.
    • Method Detail

      • getBase64Padding

        public final boolean getBase64Padding()
        Gets a value indicating whether padding is written out when writing base64url or traditional base64 to JSON.

        The padding character is '='.

        The default is false, no padding.