Class CBORNumber

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class CBORNumber
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Comparable<CBORNumber>
    An instance of a number that CBOR or certain CBOR tags can represent. For this purpose, infinities and not-a-number or NaN values are considered numbers. Currently, this class can store one of the following kinds of numbers: 64-bit signed integers or binary floating-point numbers; or arbitrary-precision integers, decimal numbers, binary numbers, or rational numbers.
    • Method Detail

      • ToCBORObject

        public CBORObject ToCBORObject()
        Converts this object's value to a CBOR object.
        A CBOR object that stores this object's value.
      • FromCBORObject

        public static CBORNumber FromCBORObject​(CBORObject o)
        Creates a CBOR number object from a CBOR object representing a number (that is, one for which the IsNumber property in.NET or the isNumber() method in Java returns true).
        o - The parameter is a CBOR object representing a number.
        A CBOR number object, or null if the given CBOR object is null or does not represent a number.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns the value of this object in text form.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A text string representing the value of this object.
      • Negate

        public CBORNumber Negate()
        Returns a CBOR number with the same value as this one but with the sign reversed.
        A CBOR number with the same value as this one but with the sign reversed.
      • Add

        public CBORNumber Add​(CBORNumber b)
        Returns the sum of this number and another number.
        b - The number to add with this one.
        The sum of this number and another number.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The parameter b is null.
      • Subtract

        public CBORNumber Subtract​(CBORNumber b)
        Returns a number that expresses this number minus another.
        b - The second operand to the subtraction.
        A CBOR number that expresses this number minus the given number.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The parameter b is null.
      • Multiply

        public CBORNumber Multiply​(CBORNumber b)
        Returns a CBOR number expressing the product of this number and the given number.
        b - The second operand to the multiplication operation.
        A number expressing the product of this number and the given number.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The parameter b is null.
      • Divide

        public CBORNumber Divide​(CBORNumber b)
        Returns the quotient of this number and another number.
        b - The right-hand side (divisor) to the division operation.
        The quotient of this number and another one.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The parameter b is null.
      • Remainder

        public CBORNumber Remainder​(CBORNumber b)
        Returns the remainder when this number is divided by another number.
        b - The right-hand side (dividend) of the remainder operation.
        The remainder when this number is divided by the other number.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The parameter b is null.
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(CBORNumber other)
        Compares two CBOR numbers. In this implementation, the two numbers' mathematical values are compared. Here, NaN (not-a-number) is considered greater than any number.
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<CBORNumber>
        other - A value to compare with. Can be null.
        A negative number, if this value is less than the other object; or 0, if both values are equal; or a positive number, if this value is less than the other object or if the other object is null. This implementation returns a positive number if.