Class HierarchicalContainer

    • Constructor Detail

      • HierarchicalContainer

        public HierarchicalContainer()
    • Method Detail

      • areChildrenAllowed

        public boolean areChildrenAllowed​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from interface: Container.Hierarchical
        Tests if the Item with given ID can have children.
        Specified by:
        areChildrenAllowed in interface Container.Hierarchical
        itemId - ID of the Item in the container whose child capability is to be tested
        true if the specified Item exists in the Container and it can have children, false if it's not found from the container or it can't have children.
      • getChildren

        public Collection<?> getChildren​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from interface: Container.Hierarchical
        Gets the IDs of all Items that are children of the specified Item. The returned collection is unmodifiable.
        Specified by:
        getChildren in interface Container.Hierarchical
        itemId - ID of the Item whose children the caller is interested in
        An unmodifiable collection containing the IDs of all other Items that are children in the container hierarchy; null if item does not have any children.
      • getParent

        public Object getParent​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from interface: Container.Hierarchical
        Gets the ID of the parent Item of the specified Item.
        Specified by:
        getParent in interface Container.Hierarchical
        itemId - ID of the Item whose parent the caller wishes to find out.
        the ID of the parent Item. Will be null if the specified Item is a root element.
      • hasChildren

        public boolean hasChildren​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from interface: Container.Hierarchical

        Tests if the Item specified with itemId has child Items or if it is a leaf. The Container.Hierarchical.getChildren(Object itemId) method always returns null for leaf Items.

        Note that being a leaf does not imply whether or not an Item is allowed to have children.

        Specified by:
        hasChildren in interface Container.Hierarchical
        itemId - ID of the Item to be tested
        true if the specified Item has children, false if not (is a leaf)
      • isRoot

        public boolean isRoot​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from interface: Container.Hierarchical
        Tests if the Item specified with itemId is a root Item. The hierarchical container can have more than one root and must have at least one unless it is empty. The Container.Hierarchical.getParent(Object itemId) method always returns null for root Items.
        Specified by:
        isRoot in interface Container.Hierarchical
        itemId - ID of the Item whose root status is to be tested
        true if the specified Item is a root, false if not
      • rootItemIds

        public Collection<?> rootItemIds()
        Description copied from interface: Container.Hierarchical
        Gets the IDs of all Items in the container that don't have a parent. Such items are called root Items. The returned collection is unmodifiable.
        Specified by:
        rootItemIds in interface Container.Hierarchical
        An unmodifiable collection containing IDs of all root elements of the container
      • setChildrenAllowed

        public boolean setChildrenAllowed​(Object itemId,
                                          boolean childrenAllowed)

        Sets the given Item's capability to have children. If the Item identified with the itemId already has children and the areChildrenAllowed is false this method fails and false is returned; the children must be first explicitly removed with setParent(Object itemId, Object newParentId) or Container.removeItem(Object itemId).

        Specified by:
        setChildrenAllowed in interface Container.Hierarchical
        itemId - the ID of the Item in the container whose child capability is to be set.
        childrenAllowed - the boolean value specifying if the Item can have children or not.
        true if the operation succeeded, false if not
      • setParent

        public boolean setParent​(Object itemId,
                                 Object newParentId)

        Sets the parent of an Item. The new parent item must exist and be able to have children. (canHaveChildren(newParentId) == true). It is also possible to detach a node from the hierarchy (and thus make it root) by setting the parent null.

        Specified by:
        setParent in interface Container.Hierarchical
        itemId - the ID of the item to be set as the child of the Item identified with newParentId.
        newParentId - the ID of the Item that's to be the new parent of the Item identified with itemId.
        true if the operation succeeded, false if not
      • moveAfterSibling

        public void moveAfterSibling​(Object itemId,
                                     Object siblingId)
        Moves a node (an Item) in the container immediately after a sibling node. The two nodes must have the same parent in the container.
        itemId - the identifier of the moved node (Item)
        siblingId - the identifier of the reference node (Item), after which the other node will be located
      • addItem

        public Object addItem()
        Description copied from class: IndexedContainer
        Creates a new Item into the Container, and assign it an automatic ID.

        The new ID is returned, or null if the operation fails. After a successful call you can use the getItemmethod to fetch the Item.

        This functionality is optional.

        The item ID is generated from a sequence of Integers. The id of the first added item is 1.

        Specified by:
        addItem in interface Container
        addItem in class IndexedContainer
        ID of the newly created Item, or null in case of a failure
      • addItem

        public Item addItem​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from interface: Container
        Creates a new Item with the given ID in the Container.

        The new Item is returned, and it is ready to have its Properties modified. Returns null if the operation fails or the Container already contains a Item with the given ID.

        This functionality is optional.

        Specified by:
        addItem in interface Container
        addItem in class IndexedContainer
        itemId - ID of the Item to be created
        Created new Item, or null in case of a failure
      • removeAllItems

        public boolean removeAllItems()
        Description copied from interface: Container
        Removes all Items from the Container.

        Note that Property ID and type information is preserved. This functionality is optional.

        Specified by:
        removeAllItems in interface Container
        removeAllItems in class IndexedContainer
        true if the operation succeeded, false if not
      • removeItem

        public boolean removeItem​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from interface: Container
        Removes the Item identified by ItemId from the Container.

        Containers that support filtering should also allow removing an item that is currently filtered out.

        This functionality is optional.

        Specified by:
        removeItem in interface Container
        Specified by:
        removeItem in interface Container.Hierarchical
        removeItem in class IndexedContainer
        itemId - ID of the Item to remove
        true if the operation succeeded, false if not
      • removeItemRecursively

        public boolean removeItemRecursively​(Object itemId)
        Removes the Item identified by given itemId and all its children.
        itemId - the identifier of the Item to be removed
        true if the operation succeeded
        See Also:
      • removeItemRecursively

        public static boolean removeItemRecursively​(Container.Hierarchical container,
                                                    Object itemId)
        Removes the Item identified by given itemId and all its children from the given Container.
        container - the container where the item is to be removed
        itemId - the identifier of the Item to be removed
        true if the operation succeeded
      • doSort

        protected void doSort()
        Description copied from class: AbstractInMemoryContainer
        Perform the sorting of the data structures in the container. This is invoked when the itemSorter has been prepared for the sort operation. Typically this method calls Collections.sort(aCollection, getItemSorter()) on all arrays (containing item ids) that need to be sorted.
        doSort in class AbstractInMemoryContainer<Object,​Object,​Item>
      • isIncludeParentsWhenFiltering

        public boolean isIncludeParentsWhenFiltering()
        Used to control how filtering works. @see setIncludeParentsWhenFiltering(boolean) for more information.
        true if all parents for items that match the filter are included when filtering, false if only the matching items are included
      • setIncludeParentsWhenFiltering

        public void setIncludeParentsWhenFiltering​(boolean includeParentsWhenFiltering)
        Controls how the filtering of the container works. Set this to true to make filtering include parents for all matched items in addition to the items themselves. Setting this to false causes the filtering to only include the matching items and make items with excluded parents into root items.
        includeParentsWhenFiltering - true to include all parents for items that match the filter, false to only include the matching items
      • doFilterContainer

        protected boolean doFilterContainer​(boolean hasFilters)
        Description copied from class: AbstractInMemoryContainer
        Filters the data in the container and updates internal data structures. This method should reset any internal data structures and then repopulate them so AbstractInMemoryContainer.getItemIds() and other methods only return the filtered items.
        doFilterContainer in class AbstractInMemoryContainer<Object,​Object,​Item>
        hasFilters - true if filters has been set for the container, false otherwise
        true if the item set has changed as a result of the filtering
      • passesFilters

        protected boolean passesFilters​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from class: AbstractInMemoryContainer
        Checks if the given itemId passes the filters set for the container. The caller should make sure the itemId exists in the container. For non-existing itemIds the behavior is undefined.
        passesFilters in class AbstractInMemoryContainer<Object,​Object,​Item>
        itemId - An itemId that exists in the container.
        true if the itemId passes all filters or no filters are set, false otherwise.