Class HierarchicalQuery<T,​F>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - bean type
    F - filter type
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HierarchicalQuery<T,​F>
    extends Query<T,​F>
    Immutable hierarchical query object used to request data from a backend. Contains the parent node, index limits, sorting and filtering information.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • HierarchicalQuery

        public HierarchicalQuery​(F filter,
                                 T parent)
        Constructs a new hierarchical query object with given filter and parent node.
        filter - filtering for fetching; can be null
        parent - the hierarchical parent object, null corresponding to the root node
      • HierarchicalQuery

        public HierarchicalQuery​(int offset,
                                 int limit,
                                 List<QuerySortOrder> sortOrders,
                                 Comparator<T> inMemorySorting,
                                 F filter,
                                 T parent)
        Constructs a new hierarchical query object with given offset, limit, sorting and filtering.
        offset - first index to fetch
        limit - fetched item count
        sortOrders - sorting order for fetching; used for sorting backends
        inMemorySorting - comparator for sorting in-memory data
        filter - filtering for fetching; can be null
        parent - the hierarchical parent object, null corresponding to the root node
    • Method Detail

      • getParent

        public T getParent()
        Get the hierarchical parent object, where null corresponds to the root node.
        the hierarchical parent object
      • getParentOptional

        public Optional<T> getParentOptional()
        Get an Optional of the hierarchical parent object.
        the result of getParent() wrapped by an Optional
        See Also: