Class GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup<R extends GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup<R,​T>,​T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup

        public GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup​(T initialValue,
                                         T defaultValue,
                                         Class<P> elementPropertyType,
                                         SerializableFunction<P,​T> presentationToModel,
                                         SerializableFunction<T,​P> modelToPresentation)
        Constructs a new GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup component with the given arguments.
        Type Parameters:
        P - the property type
        initialValue - the initial value to set to the value
        defaultValue - the default value to use if the value isn't defined
        elementPropertyType - the type of the element property
        presentationToModel - a function that converts a string value to a model value
        modelToPresentation - a function that converts a model value to a string value
      • GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup

        public GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup​(T initialValue,
                                         T defaultValue,
                                         boolean acceptNullValues)
        Constructs a new GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup component with the given arguments.
        initialValue - the initial value to set to the value
        defaultValue - the default value to use if the value isn't defined
        acceptNullValues - whether null is accepted as a model value
      • GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup

        public GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup​(T initialValue,
                                         T defaultValue,
                                         Class<P> elementPropertyType,
                                         SerializableBiFunction<R,​P,​T> presentationToModel,
                                         SerializableBiFunction<R,​T,​P> modelToPresentation,
                                         boolean isInitialValueOptional)
        Constructs a new GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup component with the given arguments.

        If isInitialValueOptional is true then the initial value is used only if element has no "value" property value, otherwise element "value" property is ignored and the initial value is set.

        Type Parameters:
        P - the property type
        initialValue - the initial value to set to the value
        defaultValue - the default value to use if the value isn't defined
        elementPropertyType - the type of the element property
        presentationToModel - a function that accepts this component and a property value and returns a model value
        modelToPresentation - a function that accepts this component and a model value and returns a property value
        isInitialValueOptional - if isInitialValueOptional is true then the initial value is used only if element has no "value" property value, otherwise element "value" property is ignored and the initial value is set
      • GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup

        public GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup​(T initialValue,
                                         T defaultValue,
                                         Class<P> elementPropertyType,
                                         SerializableBiFunction<R,​P,​T> presentationToModel,
                                         SerializableBiFunction<R,​T,​P> modelToPresentation)
        Constructs a new GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup component with the given arguments.
        Type Parameters:
        P - the property type
        initialValue - the initial value to set to the value
        defaultValue - the default value to use if the value isn't defined
        elementPropertyType - the type of the element property
        presentationToModel - a function that accepts this component and a property value and returns a model value
        modelToPresentation - a function that accepts this component and a model value and returns a property value
      • GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup

        public GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • addThemeVariants

        public void addThemeVariants​(RadioGroupVariant... variants)
        Adds theme variants to the component.
        variants - theme variants to add
      • removeThemeVariants

        public void removeThemeVariants​(RadioGroupVariant... variants)
        Removes theme variants from the component.
        variants - theme variants to remove
      • isDisabledBoolean

        protected boolean isDisabledBoolean()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        The current disabled state of the radio group. True if group and all internal radio buttons are disabled.

        This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.

        the disabled property from the webcomponent
      • setDisabled

        protected void setDisabled​(boolean disabled)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        The current disabled state of the radio group. True if group and all internal radio buttons are disabled.

        disabled - the boolean value to set
      • isReadonlyBoolean

        protected boolean isReadonlyBoolean()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        This attribute indicates that the user cannot modify the value of the control.

        This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.

        the readonly property from the webcomponent
      • setReadonly

        protected void setReadonly​(boolean readonly)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        This attribute indicates that the user cannot modify the value of the control.

        readonly - the boolean value to set
      • isInvalidBoolean

        protected boolean isInvalidBoolean()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        This property is set to true when the value is invalid.

        the invalid property from the webcomponent
      • setInvalid

        protected void setInvalid​(boolean invalid)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        This property is set to true when the value is invalid.

        invalid - the boolean value to set
      • isRequiredBoolean

        protected boolean isRequiredBoolean()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Specifies that the user must fill in a value.

        This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.

        the required property from the webcomponent
      • setRequired

        protected void setRequired​(boolean required)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Specifies that the user must fill in a value.

        required - the boolean value to set
      • getErrorMessageString

        protected String getErrorMessageString()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Error to show when the input value is invalid.

        This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.

        the errorMessage property from the webcomponent
      • setErrorMessage

        protected void setErrorMessage​(String errorMessage)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Error to show when the input value is invalid.

        errorMessage - the String value to set
      • getLabelString

        protected String getLabelString()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        String used for the label element.

        This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.

        the label property from the webcomponent
      • setLabel

        protected void setLabel​(String label)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        String used for the label element.

        label - the String value to set
      • validate

        protected void validate()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Returns true if value is valid. <iron-form> uses this to check the validity or all its elements.

        This function is not supported by Flow because it returns a boolean. Functions with return types different than void are not supported at this moment.

      • checkValidity

        protected void checkValidity()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Returns true if the current input value satisfies all constraints (if any)

        This function is not supported by Flow because it returns a boolean. Functions with return types different than void are not supported at this moment.