Interface Style

    • Method Detail

      • get

        String get​(String name)
        Gets the value of the given style property.

        Note that the name should be in camelCase and not dash-separated, i.e. use "fontFamily" and not "font-family"

        name - the style property name as camelCase, not null
        the style property value, or null if the style property has not been set
      • set

        Style set​(String name,
                  String value)
        Sets the given style property to the given value.

        Both camelCased (e.g. fontFamily) and dash-separated (e.g. font-family versions are supported.

        name - the style property name as camelCase, not null
        value - the style property value (if null, the property will be removed)
        this style instance
      • remove

        Style remove​(String name)
        Removes the given style property if it has been set.

        Both camelCased (e.g. fontFamily) and dash-separated (e.g. font-family versions are supported.

        name - the style property name as camelCase, not null
        this style instance
      • clear

        Style clear()
        Removes all set style properties.
        this style instance
      • has

        boolean has​(String name)
        Checks if the given style property has been set.

        Both camelCased (e.g. fontFamily) and dash-separated (e.g. font-family versions are supported.

        name - the style property name as camelCase, not null
        true if the style property has been set, false otherwise
      • getNames

        Stream<String> getNames()
        Gets the defined style property names.

        Note that this always returns the name as camelCased, e.g. fontFamily even if it has been set as dash-separated (font-family).

        a stream of defined style property names