Class FormLayout.ResponsiveStep

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResponsiveStep

        public ResponsiveStep​(String minWidth,
                              int columns)
        Constructs a ResponsiveStep with the given minimum width and number of columns.
        minWidth - the minimum width as a CSS string value after which this responsive step is to be applied
        columns - the number of columns the layout should have
    • Method Detail

      • toJson

        public elemental.json.JsonObject toJson()
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        Converts this object to its JSON format.
        Specified by:
        toJson in interface JsonSerializable
        the JSON representation of the object
      • readJson

        public FormLayout.ResponsiveStep readJson​(elemental.json.JsonObject value)
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        Sets the JSON object data into the Java object.
        Specified by:
        readJson in interface JsonSerializable
        value - the JSON representation of the object
        this instance, for method chaining