Class CollaborationBinder<BEAN>

    • Constructor Detail

      • CollaborationBinder

        public CollaborationBinder​(Class<BEAN> beanType,
                                   UserInfo localUser)
        Creates a new collaboration binder. It uses reflection based on the provided bean type to resolve bean properties.

        The provided user information is used in the field editing indicators. The name of the user will be displayed to other users when editing a field, and the user's color index will be used to set the field's highlight color.

        beanType - the bean type to use, not null
        localUser - the information of the local user, not null
    • Method Detail

      • removeBindingInternal

        protected void removeBindingInternal​(Binder.Binding<BEAN,​?> binding)
        Description copied from class: Binder
        Removes (internally) the Binding from the bound properties map (if present) and from the list of Bindings. Note that this DOES NOT remove the ValueChangeListener that the Binding might have registered with any HasValues or decouple the Binder from within the Binding. To do that, use Binder.Binding.unbind() This method should just be used for internal cleanup.
        removeBindingInternal in class Binder<BEAN>
        binding - The Binding to remove from the binding map
      • bind

        public <FIELDVALUE> Binder.Binding<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE> bind​(HasValue<?,​FIELDVALUE> field,
                                                                       ValueProvider<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE> getter,
                                                                       Setter<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE> setter)
        The method does not work with the collaboration binder. Use bind(HasValue, String) instead.
        Not supported by the collaboration binder! It requires a property name for binding, so the other overload bind(HasValue, String) should be used instead.

        See Binder.bind(HasValue, ValueProvider, Setter) to learn how to use the method with the regular (non-collaboration) binder.

        bind in class Binder<BEAN>
        Type Parameters:
        FIELDVALUE - the value type of the field
        field - the field to bind, not null
        getter - the function to get the value of the property to the field, not null
        setter - the function to write the field value to the property or null if read-only
        the newly created binding
        UnsupportedOperationException - as the method is not supported by the collaboration binder
      • bindInstanceFields

        public void bindInstanceFields​(Object objectWithMemberFields)
        Binds the member fields found in the given object, as described in Binder.bindInstanceFields(Object).

        In addition, synchronizes the values with other collaboration binder instances which are connected to the same topic.

        bindInstanceFields in class Binder<BEAN>
        objectWithMemberFields - the object that contains (Java) member fields to bind
        IllegalStateException - if there are incompatible HasValue<T> and property types
        See Also:
      • reset

        public void reset​(BEAN bean)
        Resets collaborative fields with values from the bound properties of the given bean. The values will be propagated to all collaborating users.
        bean - the bean whose property values to read or null to clear bound fields
      • setTopic

        public void setTopic​(String topicId,
                             SerializableSupplier<BEAN> initialBeanSupplier)
        Sets the topic to use with this binder and initializes the topic contents if not already set. Setting a topic removes the connection to the previous topic (if any) and resets all bindings based on values in the new topic. The bean supplier is used to provide initial values for bindings in case the topic doesn't yet contain any values.
        topicId - the topic id to use, or null to not use any topic
        initialBeanSupplier - a supplier that is invoked to get a bean from which to read initial values. Only invoked if there are no property values in the topic, or if the topic id is null.
      • forField

        public <FIELDVALUE> Binder.BindingBuilder<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE> forField​(HasValue<?,​FIELDVALUE> field)
        Creates a new binding for the given field. The returned builder may be further configured before invoking Binder.BindingBuilder.bind(ValueProvider, Setter) which completes the binding. Until Binding.bind is called, the binding has no effect.

        Note: Not all HasValue implementations support passing null as the value. For these the Binder will automatically change null to a null representation provided by HasValue.getEmptyValue(). This conversion is one-way only, if you want to have a two-way mapping back to null, use Binder.BindingBuilder.withNullRepresentation(Object).

        The field value will be sent over the network to synchronize the value with other users also editing the same field. The value type to use for deserializing the value is automatically determined based on the bean property type. The type must be defined separately using another overload of this method in case a converter is used or if the property type is parameterized.

        forField in class Binder<BEAN>
        Type Parameters:
        FIELDVALUE - the value type of the field
        field - the field to be bound, not null
        the new binding
        See Also:
        forField(HasValue, Class), forField(HasValue, Class, Class)
      • forField

        public <FIELDVALUE> Binder.BindingBuilder<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE> forField​(HasValue<?,​FIELDVALUE> field,
                                                                                  Class<FIELDVALUE> fieldType)
        Creates a new binding for the given field and type. The returned builder may be further configured before invoking Binder.BindingBuilder.bind(String) which completes the binding. Until Binding.bind is called, the binding has no effect.

        The field value will be sent over the network to synchronize the value with other users also editing the same field. This method allows explicitly defining the type to use. This is necessary when a converter is used since it's then not possible to derive the type from the bean property.

        Type Parameters:
        FIELDVALUE - the value type of the field
        field - the field to be bound, not null
        fieldType - the type of the field value, not null
        the new binding builder
        See Also:
        forField(HasValue), forField(HasValue, Class, Class), setSerializer(Class, SerializableFunction, SerializableFunction)
      • forField

        public <FIELDVALUE extends Collection<ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT> Binder.BindingBuilder<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE> forField​(HasValue<?,​FIELDVALUE> field,
                                                                                                                            Class<? super FIELDVALUE> collectionType,
                                                                                                                            Class<ELEMENT> elementType)
        Creates a new binding for the given (multi select) field whose value type is a collection. The returned builder may be further configured before invoking Binder.BindingBuilder.bind(String) which completes the binding. Until Binding.bind is called, the binding has no effect.

        The field value will be sent over the network to synchronize the value with other users also editing the same field. This method allows explicitly defining the collection type and element type to use.

        Type Parameters:
        FIELDVALUE - the base type of the collection, e.g. Set for CheckboxGroup<String>
        ELEMENT - the type of the elements in the collection, e.g. String for CheckboxGroup<String>
        field - the field to be bound, not null
        collectionType - the base type of the collection, e.g. Set.class for CheckboxGroup<String>, not null
        elementType - the type of the elements in the collection, e.g. String.class for CheckboxGroup<String>, not null
        the new binding builder
        See Also:
        forField(HasValue), forField(HasValue, Class), setSerializer(Class, SerializableFunction, SerializableFunction)
      • forMemberField

        public <FIELDVALUE> Binder.BindingBuilder<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE> forMemberField​(HasValue<?,​FIELDVALUE> field)
        Creates a new binding for the given field. The returned builder may be further configured before invoking Binder.bindInstanceFields(Object). Unlike with the Binder.forField(HasValue) method, no explicit call to Binder.BindingBuilder.bind(String) is needed to complete this binding in the case that the name of the field matches a field name found in the bean.

        The field value will be sent over the network to synchronize the value with other users also editing the same field. The value type to use for deserializing the value is automatically determined based on the bean property type. The type must be defined separately using another overload of this method in case a converter is used or if the property type is parameterized.

        forMemberField in class Binder<BEAN>
        Type Parameters:
        FIELDVALUE - the value type of the field
        field - the field to be bound, not null
        the new binding builder
        See Also:
        forMemberField(HasValue, Class), forMemberField(HasValue, Class, Class)
      • forMemberField

        public <FIELDVALUE extends Collection<ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT> Binder.BindingBuilder<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE> forMemberField​(HasValue<?,​FIELDVALUE> field,
                                                                                                                                  Class<? super FIELDVALUE> collectionType,
                                                                                                                                  Class<ELEMENT> elementType)
        Creates a new binding for the given (multi select) field whose value type is a collection. The returned builder may be further configured before invoking bindInstanceFields(Object). Unlike with the forField(HasValue) method, no explicit call to Binder.BindingBuilder.bind(String) is needed to complete this binding in the case that the name of the field matches a field name found in the bean.

        The field value will be sent over the network to synchronize the value with other users also editing the same field. This method allows explicitly defining the collection type and element type to use.

        Type Parameters:
        FIELDVALUE - the base type of the collection, e.g. Set for CheckboxGroup<String>
        ELEMENT - the type of the elements in the collection, e.g. String for CheckboxGroup<String>
        field - the field to be bound, not null
        collectionType - the base type of the collection, e.g. Set.class for CheckboxGroup<String>, not null
        elementType - the type of the elements in the collection, e.g. String.class for CheckboxGroup<String>, not null
        the new binding builder
        See Also:
        forMemberField(HasValue), forMemberField(HasValue, Class), setSerializer(Class, SerializableFunction, SerializableFunction)
      • setSerializer

        public <T> void setSerializer​(Class<T> type,
                                      SerializableFunction<T,​String> serializer,
                                      SerializableFunction<String,​T> deserializer)
        Sets a custom serializer and deserializer to use for a specific value type. The serializer and deserializer will be used for all field bindings that implicitly or explicitly use that type either as the field type or as the collection element type in case of multi select fields. It is not allowed to reconfigure the serializer and deserializer for a previously configued type nor for any of the basic types that are supported without custom logic.

        Field values will be sent over the network to synchronize the value with other users also editing the same field. This method allows defining callbacks to convert between the field value and the value that is sent over the network. This is necessary when using complex objects that are not suitable to be sent as-is over the network.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type handled by the serializer
        type - the type for which to set a serializer and deserializer, not null
        serializer - a callback that receives a non-empty field value and returns the value to send over the network (not null). The callback cannot be null.
        deserializer - a callback that receives a value produced by the serializer callback (not null) and returns the field value to use. The callback cannot be null.
      • getExpirationTimeout

        public Optional<Duration> getExpirationTimeout()
        Gets the optional expiration timeout of this binder. An empty Optional is returned if no timeout is set, which means the binder is not cleared when there are no connected users to the related topic (this is the default).
        Specified by:
        getExpirationTimeout in interface HasExpirationTimeout
        the expiration timeout
      • setExpirationTimeout

        public void setExpirationTimeout​(Duration expirationTimeout)
        Sets the expiration timeout of this binder. If set, this binder data is cleared when expirationTimeout has passed after the last connection to the related topic is closed. If set to null, the timeout is cancelled.
        Specified by:
        setExpirationTimeout in interface HasExpirationTimeout
        expirationTimeout - the expiration timeout