Class Anchor

    • Method Detail

      • setHref

        public void setHref​(String href)
        Sets the URL that this anchor links to.

        A disabled Anchor removes the attribute from the HTML element, but it is stored (and reused when enabled again) in the server-side component.

        Use the method removeHref() to remove the href attribute instead of setting it to an empty string.

        href - the href to set
        See Also:
        removeHref(), setHref(AbstractStreamResource)
      • removeHref

        public void removeHref()
        Removes href attribute.
        See Also:
      • setHref

        public void setHref​(AbstractStreamResource href)
        Sets the URL that this anchor links to with the URL of the given StreamResource.
        href - the resource value, not null
      • getHref

        public String getHref()
        Gets the URL that this anchor links to.
        the href value, or "" if no href has been set
        See Also:
      • onEnabledStateChanged

        public void onEnabledStateChanged​(boolean enabled)
        Description copied from class: Component
        Handle component enable state when the enabled state changes.

        By default this sets or removes the 'disabled' attribute from the element. This can be overridden to have custom handling.

        onEnabledStateChanged in class Component
        enabled - the new enabled state of the component
      • setTarget

        public void setTarget​(String target)
        Sets the target window, tab or frame for this anchor. The target is either the of a specific target, or one of these special values:
        • _self: Open the link in the current context. This is the default behavior.
        • _blank: Opens the link in a new unnamed context.
        • _parent: Opens the link in the parent context, or the current context if there is no parent context.
        • _top: Opens the link in the top most grandparent context, or the current context if there is no parent context.
        target - the target value, or "" to remove the target value
      • getTarget

        public Optional<String> getTarget()
        Gets the target window, tab or frame name for this anchor.
        an optional target, or an empty optional if no target has been set
        See Also:
      • setTarget

        public void setTarget​(AnchorTargetValue target)
        Sets the target window, tab or frame for this anchor. The target may be the one of these special values:
        • AnchorTarget.DEFAULT: Removes the target value. This has the same effect as setting the target to AnchorTarget.SELF.
        • AnchorTarget.SELF: Opens the link in the current context.
        • AnchorTarget.BLANK: Opens the link in a new unnamed context.
        • AnchorTarget.PARENT: Opens the link in the parent context, or the current context if there is no parent context.
        • AnchorTarget.TOP: Opens the link in the top most grandparent context, or the current context if there is no parent context.
        target - the target value, not null