Class ColumnPathRenderer<SOURCE>

  • Type Parameters:
    SOURCE - the object model type
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ColumnPathRenderer<SOURCE>
    extends Renderer<SOURCE>
    Renderer for columns that doesn't use any template for rendering its contents (only the value from the object model). In such cases, a template element is not needed on the client-side, only the path property.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Grid.addColumn(ValueProvider), Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColumnPathRenderer

        public ColumnPathRenderer​(String property,
                                  ValueProvider<SOURCE,​?> provider)
        Creates a new renderer based on the property and the value provider for that property.
        property - the property name
        provider - the value provider for the property
    • Method Detail

      • render

        public Rendering<SOURCE> render​(Element container,
                                        DataKeyMapper<SOURCE> keyMapper)
        Description copied from class: Renderer
        Handles the rendering of the model objects by creating a new <template> element in the given container.
        render in class Renderer<SOURCE>
        container - the element in which the template will be attached to
        keyMapper - mapper used internally to fetch items by key and to provide keys for given items. It is required when either event handlers or DataGenerator are supported
        the context of the rendering, that can be used by the components to provide extra customization
      • render

        public Rendering<SOURCE> render​(Element container,
                                        DataKeyMapper<SOURCE> keyMapper,
                                        Element contentTemplate)
        Description copied from class: Renderer
        Handles the rendering of the model objects by using the given <template> element in the given container.

        Subclasses of Renderer usually override this method to provide additional features.

        render in class Renderer<SOURCE>
        container - the element in which the template will be attached to, not null
        keyMapper - mapper used internally to fetch items by key and to provide keys for given items. It is required when either event handlers or DataGenerator are supported
        contentTemplate - the <template> element to be used for rendering in the container, not null
        the context of the rendering, that can be used by the components to provide extra customization