Interface Setter<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE>

  • Type Parameters:
    BEAN - the type of the target bean
    FIELDVALUE - the field value type to be written to the bean
    All Superinterfaces:
    BiConsumer<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE>, Serializable
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface Setter<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE>
    extends BiConsumer<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE>, Serializable
    The function to write the field value to the bean property
    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    BiConsumer, Binder.bind(HasValue, ValueProvider, Setter)
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        void accept​(BEAN bean,
                    FIELDVALUE fieldvalue)
        Save value to the bean property.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface BiConsumer<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE>
        bean - the target bean
        fieldvalue - the field value to be written to the bean