Class BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext

    • Constructor Detail

      • BootstrapContext

        protected BootstrapContext​(VaadinRequest request,
                                   VaadinResponse response,
                                   VaadinSession session,
                                   UI ui,
                                   Function<VaadinRequest,​String> contextCallback)
        Creates a new context instance using the given parameters.
        request - the request object
        response - the response object
        session - the current session
        ui - the UI object
        contextCallback - a callback that is invoked to resolve the context root from the request
      • BootstrapContext

        protected BootstrapContext​(VaadinRequest request,
                                   VaadinResponse response,
                                   VaadinSession session,
                                   UI ui,
                                   Function<VaadinRequest,​String> contextCallback,
                                   Function<VaadinRequest,​Location> routeCallback)
        Creates a new context instance using the given parameters.
        request - the request object
        response - the response object
        session - the current session
        ui - the UI object
        contextCallback - a callback that is invoked to resolve the context root from the request
        routeCallback - a callback that is invoked to resolve the route from the request
    • Method Detail

      • getResponse

        public VaadinResponse getResponse()
        Gets the Vaadin/HTTP response.
        the Vaadin/HTTP response
      • getRequest

        public VaadinRequest getRequest()
        Gets the Vaadin/HTTP request.
        the Vaadin/HTTP request
      • getService

        public VaadinService getService()
        Gets the Vaadin service.
        the Vaadin/HTTP service
      • getSession

        public VaadinSession getSession()
        Gets the Vaadin session.
        the Vaadin session
      • isInitTheme

        public boolean isInitTheme()
        Should custom theme be initialized.
        true if theme should be initialized
      • setInitTheme

        public void setInitTheme​(boolean initTheme)
        Set if custom theme should be initialized.
        initTheme - enable or disable theme initialisation
      • getUI

        public UI getUI()
        Gets the UI.
        the UI
      • getPushMode

        public PushMode getPushMode()
        Gets the push mode to use.
        the desired push mode
      • getApplicationParameters

        public elemental.json.JsonObject getApplicationParameters()
        Gets the application parameters specified by the BootstrapHandler.
        the application parameters that will be written on the page
      • isProductionMode

        public boolean isProductionMode()
        Checks if the application is running in production mode.
        true if in production mode, false otherwise.
      • getPageConfigurationAnnotation

        public <T extends AnnotationOptional<T> getPageConfigurationAnnotation​(Class<T> annotationType)
        Gets an annotation from the topmost class in the current navigation target hierarchy.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the annotation
        annotationType - the type of the annotation to get
        an annotation, or an empty optional if there is no current navigation target or if it doesn't have the annotation
      • getPageConfigurationAnnotations

        public <T extends AnnotationList<T> getPageConfigurationAnnotations​(Class<T> annotationType)
        Gets a a list of annotations from the topmost class in the current navigation target hierarchy.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the annotations
        annotationType - the type of the annotation to get
        a list of annotation, or an empty list if there is no current navigation target or if it doesn't have the annotation
      • getPwaRegistry

        protected Optional<PwaRegistry> getPwaRegistry()
        Gets a pwa registry instance.
        an optional pwa registry instance, or an empty optional if no pwa registry available for the context
      • getRoute

        public Location getRoute()
        Gets the location of the route that should be activated for this bootstrap request.
        the route to activate