Class Icon

    • Constructor Detail

      • Icon

        public Icon()
        Creates an Icon component that displays a Vaadin logo.
      • Icon

        public Icon​(VaadinIcon icon)
        Creates an Icon component that displays the given icon from VaadinIcon.
        icon - the icon to display
      • Icon

        public Icon​(String icon)
        Creates an Icon component that displays the given icon from vaadin-icons collection.
        icon - the icon name
      • Icon

        public Icon​(String collection,
                    String icon)
        Creates an Icon component that displays the given icon from the given collection. If you want to use a custom <vaadin-iconset> -based icon set, you also need to add a dependency and an import for it, example:
         @NpmPackage(value = "custom-icons", version = "1.0.0")
         public class MyView extends Div {
        collection - the icon collection
        icon - the icon name
    • Method Detail

      • setSize

        public void setSize​(String size)
        Sets the width and the height of the icon.

        The size should be in a format understood by the browser, e.g. "100px" or "2.5em".

        size - the size to set, may be null to clear the value
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(String color)
        Sets the fill color of the icon.

        The color should be in a format understood by the browser, e.g. "orange", "#FF9E2C" or "rgb(255, 158, 44)".

        color - the fill color to set, may be null to clear the value
      • getColor

        public String getColor()
        Gets the fill color of this icon as a String.
        the fill color of the icon, or null if the color has not been set