Class AppShellRegistry

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static AppShellRegistry getInstance​(VaadinContext context)
        Returns the instance of the registry, or create a new one if it does not exist yet.
        context - servlet context
        the registry instance
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Reset the registry configuration so as it's possible to perform a new configuration and validation.
      • setShell

        public void setShell​(Class<? extends AppShellConfigurator> shell)
        Sets the AppShellConfigurator class in the application. Pass a null to reset the previous one when reusing the instance.
        shell - the class implementing AppShellConfigurator.
      • validateClass

        public String validateClass​(Class<?> clz)
        Checks whether a class have annotations that should only be in AppShellConfigurator classes.
        clz - the class to check.
        a string with the error lines if the class has offending annotations
      • modifyPushConfiguration

        public void modifyPushConfiguration​(PushConfiguration pushConfiguration)
        Modifies PushConfiguration instance based on the Push annotation on AppShellConfigurator.
        pushConfiguration - the PushConfigration instance to modify