Class SelectListDataView<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectListDataView

        public SelectListDataView​(SerializableSupplier<DataProvider<T,​?>> dataProviderSupplier,
                                  Select<T> select,
                                  SerializableBiConsumer<SerializablePredicate<T>,​SerializableComparator<T>> filterOrSortingChangedCallback)
        Creates a new in-memory data view for Select and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.
        dataProviderSupplier - supplier from which the DataProvider can be gotten
        select - select component that the dataView is bound to
        filterOrSortingChangedCallback - callback, which is being invoked when the Select's filtering or sorting changes, not null
      • SelectListDataView

        public SelectListDataView​(SerializableSupplier<DataProvider<T,​?>> dataProviderSupplier,
                                  Select<T> select,
                                  SerializableConsumer<IdentifierProvider<T>> identifierChangedCallback,
                                  SerializableBiConsumer<SerializablePredicate<T>,​SerializableComparator<T>> filterOrSortingChangedCallback)
        Creates a new in-memory data view for Select and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.
        dataProviderSupplier - supplier from which the DataProvider can be gotten
        select - select component that the dataView is bound to
        identifierChangedCallback - callback method which should be called when identifierProvider is changed
        filterOrSortingChangedCallback - callback, which is being invoked when the Select's filtering or sorting changes, not null
    • Method Detail

      • setIdentifierProvider

        public void setIdentifierProvider​(IdentifierProvider<T> identifierProvider)
        Description copied from interface: DataView
        Sets an identifier provider, which returns an identifier for the given item. The identifier is used for comparing the equality of items. Usage example: dataView.setIdentifiedProvider(Item::getId);.
        Specified by:
        setIdentifierProvider in interface DataView<T>
        setIdentifierProvider in class AbstractDataView<T>
        identifierProvider - function that returns the non-null identifier for a given item