Class GeneratedVaadinButton<R extends GeneratedVaadinButton<R>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneratedVaadinButton

        public GeneratedVaadinButton​(String text)
        Sets the given string as the content of this component.
        text - the text content to set
        See Also:
      • GeneratedVaadinButton

        public GeneratedVaadinButton()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • isAutofocusBoolean

        protected boolean isAutofocusBoolean()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Specify that this control should have input focus when the page loads.

        This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.

        the autofocus property from the webcomponent
      • setAutofocus

        protected void setAutofocus​(boolean autofocus)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Specify that this control should have input focus when the page loads.

        autofocus - the boolean value to set
      • isDisabledBoolean

        protected boolean isDisabledBoolean()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        If true, the user cannot interact with this element.

        This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.

        the disabled property from the webcomponent
      • setDisabled

        protected void setDisabled​(boolean disabled)
        Since 3.0, this API is deprecated in favor of HasEnabled.setEnabled(boolean)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        If true, the user cannot interact with this element.

        disabled - the boolean value to set
      • remove

        protected void remove​(Component... components)
        Removes the given child components from this component.
        components - The components to remove.
        IllegalArgumentException - if any of the components is not a child of this component.
      • removeAll

        protected void removeAll()
        Removes all contents from this component, this includes child components, text content as well as child elements that have been added directly to this component using the Element API.