Class ItemCountChangeEvent<T extends Component>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the event source type
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ItemCountChangeEvent<T extends Component>
    extends ComponentEvent<T>
    Event describing the item count change for a component. The ItemCountChangeEvent will fired during the "before client response"-phase, so changes done during the server round trip will only receive one event. For example, this code will trigger only one event, although there are two methods called which cause the item count change:
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ItemCountChangeEvent

        public ItemCountChangeEvent​(T source,
                                    int itemCount,
                                    boolean itemCountEstimated)
        Creates a new event using the given source and indicator whether the event originated from the client side or the server side.
        source - the source component
        itemCount - new items count
        itemCountEstimated - whether item count is an estimate
    • Method Detail

      • getItemCount

        public int getItemCount()
        Get the new item count for the component.
        items count
      • isItemCountEstimated

        public boolean isItemCountEstimated()
        Returns whether the item count getItemCount() is an estimate or the exact count. An estimate is used when items are fetched lazily from the backend and the count callback has not been provided. See further details from LazyDataView.setItemCountEstimate(int).

        NOTE: this only applies for components that do lazy loading from the backend and implement HasLazyDataView.

        true when the count is an estimate, false when the count is exact