Class Location

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Location
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Represents a relative URL made up of path segments and query parameters, but lacking e.g. the hostname that can also be present in URLs.

    For related utility methods, see LocationUtil.

    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Location

        public Location​(String location)
                 throws InvalidLocationException
        Creates a new Location object for given location string.

        This string can contain relative path and query parameters, if needed. A possible fragment #fragment is also retained.

        A possible "/" prefix of the location is ignored and a null location is interpreted as ""

        location - the relative location or null which is interpreted as ""]
        InvalidLocationException - If the given string cannot be used for the Location
      • Location

        public Location​(String location,
                        QueryParameters queryParameters)
                 throws InvalidLocationException
        Creates a new Location object for given location string and query parameters.

        The location string can not contain query parameters. To pass query parameters, either specify them in QueryParameters in this constructor, or use Location(String)

        A possible "/" prefix of the location is ignored and a null location is interpreted as ""

        location - the relative location or null which is interpreted as ""
        queryParameters - query parameters information, not null
        InvalidLocationException - If the given string cannot be used for the Location
      • Location

        public Location​(List<String> segments)
        Creates a new location based on a list of path segments.
        segments - a non-empty list of path segments, not null
      • Location

        public Location​(List<String> segments,
                        QueryParameters queryParameters)
        Creates a new location based on a list of path segments and query parameters.
        segments - a non-empty list of path segments, not null and not empty
        queryParameters - query parameters information, not null
    • Method Detail

      • getSegments

        public List<String> getSegments()
        Gets all the path segments of this location.
        a list of path segments
      • getQueryParameters

        public QueryParameters getQueryParameters()
        Gets the request parameters used for current location.
        the request parameters
      • getFirstSegment

        public String getFirstSegment()
        Gets the first segment of this path.
        the first path segment, not null
      • getSubLocation

        public Optional<Location> getSubLocation()
        Creates a new location without the first path segment. The result is empty if this location only consists of one segment.
        an optional new location, or an empty optional if this location has only one path segment
      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        Gets the path of this location as a string.
        the location string, not null
      • getPathWithQueryParameters

        public String getPathWithQueryParameters()
        Gets the path string with QueryParameters and including the possible fragment if one existed.
        path string with parameters
      • toggleTrailingSlash

        public Location toggleTrailingSlash()
        Removes or adds slash to the end of the location path. Creates new Location instance instead of modifying the old one.
        new Location instance with updated path