Class Renderer<SOURCE>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Renderer

        protected Renderer()
        Default constructor.
      • Renderer

        protected Renderer​(String template)
        since Vaadin 22
        Builds a renderer with the specified template.
        template - the template used by the renderer
    • Method Detail

      • setProperty

        protected void setProperty​(String property,
                                   ValueProvider<SOURCE,​?> provider)
        since Vaadin 22
        Sets a property to be used inside the template. Each property is referenced inside the template by using the [[]] syntax.


         // Regular property
         TemplateRenderer.<Person> of("<div>Name: [[]]</div>")
                  .withProperty("name", Person::getName);
         // Property that uses a bean. Note that in this case the entire "Address" object will be sent to the template.
         // Note that even properties of the bean which are not used in the template are sent to the client, so use
         // this feature with caution.
         TemplateRenderer.<Person> of("<span>Street: [[item.address.street]]</span>")
                  .withProperty("address", Person::getAddress);
         // In this case only the street field inside the Address object is sent
         TemplateRenderer.<Person> of("<span>Street: [[item.street]]</span>")
                  .withProperty("street", person -> person.getAddress().getStreet());
        Any types supported by the JsonSerializer are valid types for the Renderer.
        property - the name of the property used inside the template, not null
        provider - a ValueProvider that provides the actual value for the property, not null
      • setEventHandler

        protected void setEventHandler​(String handlerName,
                                       SerializableConsumer<SOURCE> handler)
        since Vaadin 22
        Sets an event handler for events from elements inside the template. Each event is referenced inside the template by using the on-event syntax.


         // Standard event
         TemplateRenderer.of("<button on-click='handleClick'>Click me</button>")
                  .withEventHandler("handleClick", object -> doSomething());
         // You can handle custom events from webcomponents as well, using the same syntax
         TemplateRenderer.of("<my-webcomponent on-customevent=
                  .withEventHandler("onCustomEvent", object -> doSomething());
        The name of the function used on the on-event attribute should be the name used at the handlerName parameter. This name must be a valid Javascript function name.
        handlerName - the name of the handler used inside the on-event="handlerName", not null
        handler - the handler executed when the event is triggered, not null
        See Also:
      • render

        public Rendering<SOURCE> render​(Element container,
                                        DataKeyMapper<SOURCE> keyMapper)
        Handles the rendering of the model objects by creating a new <template> element in the given container.
        container - the element in which the template will be attached to
        keyMapper - mapper used internally to fetch items by key and to provide keys for given items. It is required when either event handlers or DataGenerator are supported
        the context of the rendering, that can be used by the components to provide extra customization
      • render

        public Rendering<SOURCE> render​(Element container,
                                        DataKeyMapper<SOURCE> keyMapper,
                                        Element contentTemplate)
        since Vaadin 22
        Handles the rendering of the model objects by using the given <template> element in the given container.

        Subclasses of Renderer usually override this method to provide additional features.

        container - the element in which the template will be attached to, not null
        keyMapper - mapper used internally to fetch items by key and to provide keys for given items. It is required when either event handlers or DataGenerator are supported
        contentTemplate - the <template> element to be used for rendering in the container, not null
        the context of the rendering, that can be used by the components to provide extra customization
      • getValueProviders

        public Map<String,​ValueProvider<SOURCE,​?>> getValueProviders()
        since Vaadin 23.1
        Gets the property mapped to ValueProviders in this renderer. The returned map is immutable.
        the mapped properties, never null