Interface ValidationStatusChangeListener<V>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface ValidationStatusChangeListener<V>
    extends Serializable
    The listener interface for receiving ValidationStatusChangeEvent events. The classes that are interested in processing validation status changed events of field components should register implementation of this interface via HasValidator.addValidationStatusChangeListener(ValidationStatusChangeListener) which are called whenever such event is fired by the component.

    This interface is primarily introduced to enable binding instances subscribe for their own associated field's validation status change events and revalidate after that. However, when all the components implementing HasValidator interface, implement the correct behaviour for adding and notifying listeners of the current type, other usages are also become possible since the ValidationStatusChangeEvent payload contains the source HasValue field and the new validation status, thus for instance fields or buttons in a view can subscribe for each other's validation statuses and enable/disable or clear values, etc. respectively.

    See Also:
    HasValidator, Binder.BindingBuilderImpl.bind(ValueProvider, Setter)
    • Method Detail

      • validationStatusChanged

        void validationStatusChanged​(ValidationStatusChangeEvent<V> event)
        Invoked when a ValidationStatusChangeEvent occurs.
        event - the event to be processed