Class BasicComplexModelType<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the (basic) Java type used by this model type
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    ComplexModelType<T>, ModelType, Serializable

    public class BasicComplexModelType<T>
    extends AbstractBasicModelType<T>
    implements ComplexModelType<T>
    Template model and model types are not supported for lit template, but you can use @Id mapping and the component API or the element API with property synchronization instead. Polymer template support is deprecated - we recommend you to use LitTemplate instead. Read more details from the Vaadin blog.
    A model type representing an immutable leaf value (e.g. strings, numbers or booleans) to use them in a list.

    There is a similar class BasicModelType which do the same but it keeps handles the values as is. This class wraps them into StateNode to be able to use them in side lists.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    BasicModelType, Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static Optional<ComplexModelType<?>> get​(Class<?> type)
        Gets the basic model type definition for the given Java class.
        type - the Java class to find a basic model type for
        the basic model type, or an empty optional if the provided type is not a basic type
      • isBasicType

        public static boolean isBasicType​(Type type)
        Checks whether the type is a basic supported type.
        type - type to check
        true is the type is basic supported type, false otherwise
      • modelToApplication

        public T modelToApplication​(Serializable modelValue)
        Description copied from interface: ModelType
        Creates a representation of the provided model value that is intended for use in application code. For mutable values, this is typically a proxy that is directly connected to the underlying model value.
        Specified by:
        modelToApplication in interface ModelType
        modelValue - the model value to convert
        a user-friendly representation of the provided model value
      • applicationToModel

        public StateNode applicationToModel​(Object applicationValue,
                                            PropertyFilter filter)
        Description copied from interface: ModelType
        Creates a model value representation of the provided application value.

        For application values that contain properties (i.e. beans), the provided filter is used to determine which properties from the bean should be included in the model representation.

        Specified by:
        applicationToModel in interface ComplexModelType<T>
        Specified by:
        applicationToModel in interface ModelType
        applicationValue - the user value to convert
        filter - the filter to use to determine which properties to include, not null
        a model value representation of the provided user value.
      • cast

        public <C> ComplexModelType<C> cast​(Class<C> proxyType)
        Description copied from interface: ComplexModelType
        Checks that this type uses the provided proxy type and returns this type as a model type with that proxy type.
        Specified by:
        cast in interface ComplexModelType<T>
        Type Parameters:
        C - the proxy type
        proxyType - the proxy type to cast to
        this model type