Class BeanPropertySet.NestedBeanPropertyDefinition<T,​V>

    • Field Detail


        protected static final int MAX_PROPERTY_NESTING_DEPTH
        Default maximum depth for scanning nested properties.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • NestedBeanPropertyDefinition

        public NestedBeanPropertyDefinition​(BeanPropertySet<T> propertySet,
                                            PropertyDefinition<T,​?> parent,
                                            PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
        Creates a new instance of a nested property definition.
        propertySet - the PropertySet that this property belongs to
        parent - the parent property definition
        descriptor - the property descriptor
    • Method Detail

      • getGetter

        public ValueProvider<T,​V> getGetter()
        Description copied from interface: PropertyDefinition
        Gets the value provider that is used for finding the value of this property for a bean.
        the getter, not null
      • getSetter

        public Optional<Setter<T,​V>> getSetter()
        Description copied from interface: PropertyDefinition
        Gets an optional setter for storing a property value in a bean.
        the setter, or an empty optional if this property is read-only
      • getTopLevelName

        public String getTopLevelName()
        Description copied from interface: PropertyDefinition
        Gets the top level name of this property.
        the top level property name, not null
      • getParent

        public PropertyDefinition<T,​?> getParent()
        Description copied from interface: PropertyDefinition
        Gets the parent property of this property if this is a sub-property of the property set. If this property belongs directly to the property set, it doesn't have a parent and this method returns null.
        the parent property, may be null