Class MultiSelectComboBoxI18n

    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiSelectComboBoxI18n

        public MultiSelectComboBoxI18n()
    • Method Detail

      • getCleared

        public String getCleared()
        The text that is announced by screen readers when the clear button is clicked.

        The value is null by default, which means the default value of the web component will be used.

        the text that is announced by screen readers when the clear button is clicked or null if the default value of the web component is used.
      • setCleared

        public MultiSelectComboBoxI18n setCleared​(String cleared)
        Sets the text that is announced by screen readers when the clear button is clicked.
        cleared - the text that is announced by screen readers when the clear button is clicked or null if the default value of the web component should be used.
        this instance for method chaining
      • getFocused

        public String getFocused()
        The text that is announced by screen readers when a chip is focused.

        The value is null by default, which means the default value of the web component will be used.

        the text that is announced by screen readers when a chip is focused or null if the default value of the web component is used.
      • setFocused

        public MultiSelectComboBoxI18n setFocused​(String focused)
        Sets the text that is announced by screen readers when a chip is focused. The label of the chip will be prepended to this text.
        focused - the text that is announced by screen readers when a chip is focused or null if the default value of the web component should be used.
        this instance for method chaining
      • getSelected

        public String getSelected()
        The text that is announced by screen readers when an item is added to the selection.

        The value is null by default, which means the default value of the web component will be used.

        the text that is announced by screen readers when an item is added to the selection or null if the default value of the web component is used.
      • setSelected

        public MultiSelectComboBoxI18n setSelected​(String selected)
        Sets the text that is announced by screen readers when an item is added to the selection. The label of the item will be prepended to this text.
        selected - the text that is announced by screen readers when an item is added to the selection or null if the default value of the web component should be used.
        this instance for method chaining
      • getDeselected

        public String getDeselected()
        The text that is announced by screen readers when an item is removed from the selection.

        The value is null by default, which means the default value of the web component will be used.

        the text that is announced by screen readers when an item is removed from the selection or null if the default value of the web component is used.
      • setDeselected

        public MultiSelectComboBoxI18n setDeselected​(String deselected)
        Sets the text that is announced by screen readers when an item is removed from the selection. The label of the item will be prepended to this text.
        deselected - the text that is announced by screen readers when an item is removed from the selection or null if the default value of the web component should be used.
        this instance for method chaining
      • getTotal

        public String getTotal()
        The text that is announced by screen readers to inform about the total number of selected items.

        The value is null by default, which means the default value of the web component will be used.

        the text that is announced by screen readers to inform about the total number of selected items or null if the default value of the web component is used.
      • setTotal

        public MultiSelectComboBoxI18n setTotal​(String total)
        Sets the text that is announced by screen readers to inform about the total number of selected items. The string must contain a `{count}` placeholder that will be replaced with the actual count of selected items by the component.
        total - the text that is announced by screen readers to inform about the total number of selected items or null if the default value of the web component should be used.
        this instance for method chaining