Class IconRenderer<ITEM>

  • Type Parameters:
    ITEM - the type of the input object that can be used by the rendered component
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class IconRenderer<ITEM>
    extends ComponentRenderer<Component,​ITEM>
    A renderer that renders each item as a text following by an icon using provided icon generator and label generator.
    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • IconRenderer

        public IconRenderer​(SerializableFunction<ITEM,​? extends Component> iconGenerator)
        Creates a new renderer instance using the default ItemLabelGenerator: String::valueOf and the provided iconGenerator.
        iconGenerator - the icon component generator
      • IconRenderer

        public IconRenderer​(SerializableFunction<ITEM,​? extends Component> iconGenerator,
                            ItemLabelGenerator<ITEM> itemLabelGenerator)
        Creates a new renderer instance using the provided iconGenerator and itemLabelGenerator.
        iconGenerator - the icon component generator
        itemLabelGenerator - the item label generator
    • Method Detail

      • createComponent

        public Component createComponent​(ITEM item)
        Description copied from class: ComponentRenderer
        Creates a component for a given object model item. Subclasses can override this method to provide specific behavior.
        createComponent in class ComponentRenderer<Component,​ITEM>
        item - the model item, possibly null
        a component instance representing the provided item