Class RangeValidator<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • RangeValidator

        public RangeValidator​(String errorMessage,
                              Comparator<? super T> comparator,
                              T minValue,
                              T maxValue)
        Creates a new range validator of the given type. Passing null to either minValue or maxValue means there is no limit in that direction. Both limits may be null; this can be useful if the limits are resolved programmatically. The result of passing null to apply depends on the given comparator.
        errorMessage - the error message to return if validation fails, not null
        comparator - the comparator to compare with, not null
        minValue - the least value of the accepted range or null for no limit
        maxValue - the greatest value of the accepted range or null for no limit
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static <C extends Comparable<? super C>> RangeValidator<C> of​(String errorMessage,
                                                                             C minValue,
                                                                             C maxValue)
        Returns a RangeValidator comparing values of a Comparable type using their natural order. Passing null to either minValue or maxValue means there is no limit in that direction. Both limits may be null; this can be useful if the limits are resolved programmatically.

        Null is considered to be less than any non-null value. This means null never passes validation if a minimum value is specified.

        Type Parameters:
        C - the Comparable value type
        errorMessage - the error message to return if validation fails, not null
        minValue - the least value of the accepted range or null for no limit
        maxValue - the greatest value of the accepted range or null for no limit
        the new validator
      • apply

        public ValidationResult apply​(T value,
                                      ValueContext context)
        Returns Result.ok if the value is within the specified bounds, Result.error otherwise. If null is passed to apply, the behavior depends on the used comparator.
        value - the input value to validate
        context - the value context for validation
        the validation result
      • isMinValueIncluded

        public boolean isMinValueIncluded()
        Returns whether the minimum value is part of the accepted range.
        true if the minimum value is part of the range, false otherwise
      • setMinValueIncluded

        public void setMinValueIncluded​(boolean minValueIncluded)
        Sets whether the minimum value is part of the accepted range.
        minValueIncluded - true if the minimum value should be part of the range, false otherwise
      • isMaxValueIncluded

        public boolean isMaxValueIncluded()
        Returns whether the maximum value is part of the accepted range.
        true if the maximum value is part of the range, false otherwise
      • setMaxValueIncluded

        public void setMaxValueIncluded​(boolean maxValueIncluded)
        Sets whether the maximum value is part of the accepted range.
        maxValueIncluded - true if the maximum value should be part of the range, false otherwise
      • getMinValue

        public T getMinValue()
        Returns the minimum value of the range.
        the minimum value
      • setMinValue

        public void setMinValue​(T minValue)
        Sets the minimum value of the range. Use setMinValueIncluded(boolean) to control whether this value is part of the range or not.
        minValue - the minimum value
      • getMaxValue

        public T getMaxValue()
        Gets the maximum value of the range.
        the maximum value
      • setMaxValue

        public void setMaxValue​(T maxValue)
        Sets the maximum value of the range. Use setMaxValueIncluded(boolean) to control whether this value is part of the range or not.
        maxValue - the maximum value
      • isValid

        protected boolean isValid​(T value)
        Returns whether the given value lies in the valid range.
        value - the value to validate
        true if the value is valid, false otherwise