Class TextField

    • Method Detail

      • setValueChangeMode

        public void setValueChangeMode​(ValueChangeMode valueChangeMode)
        Description copied from interface: HasValueChangeMode
        Sets new value change mode for the component.
        Specified by:
        setValueChangeMode in interface HasValueChangeMode
        valueChangeMode - new value change mode, or null to disable the value synchronization
      • getErrorMessage

        public String getErrorMessage()
        Description copied from interface: HasValidation
        Gets current error message from the component.
        Specified by:
        getErrorMessage in interface HasValidation
        current error message
      • isInvalid

        public boolean isInvalid()
        Description copied from interface: HasValidation
        Returns true if component input is invalid, false otherwise.
        Specified by:
        isInvalid in interface HasValidation
        whether the component input is valid
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        String used for the label element.
        Specified by:
        getLabel in interface HasLabel
        the label property from the webcomponent
      • getPlaceholder

        public String getPlaceholder()
        A hint to the user of what can be entered in the component.
        the placeholder property from the webcomponent
      • isAutoselect

        public boolean isAutoselect()
        Specifies if the field value gets automatically selected when the field gains focus.
        true if autoselect is active, false otherwise
      • setAutoselect

        public void setAutoselect​(boolean autoselect)
        Set to true to always have the field value automatically selected when the field gains focus, false otherwise.
        setAutoselect in class GeneratedVaadinTextField<TextField,​String>
        autoselect - true to set auto select on, false otherwise
      • setAutofocus

        public void setAutofocus​(boolean autofocus)
        Description copied from class: GeneratedVaadinTextField

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Specify that this control should have input focus when the page loads.

        setAutofocus in class GeneratedVaadinTextField<TextField,​String>
        autofocus - the boolean value to set
      • isAutofocus

        public boolean isAutofocus()
        Specify that this control should have input focus when the page loads.
        the autofocus property from the webcomponent
      • setMaxLength

        public void setMaxLength​(int maxLength)
        Maximum number of characters (in Unicode code points) that the user can enter.
        maxLength - the maximum length
      • getMaxLength

        public int getMaxLength()
        Maximum number of characters (in Unicode code points) that the user can enter.
        the maxlength property from the webcomponent
      • setMinLength

        public void setMinLength​(int minLength)
        Minimum number of characters (in Unicode code points) that the user can enter.
        minLength - the minimum length
      • getMinLength

        public int getMinLength()
        Minimum number of characters (in Unicode code points) that the user can enter.
        the minlength property from the webcomponent
      • isRequired

        public boolean isRequired()
        Specifies that the user must fill in a value.
        the required property from the webcomponent
      • setRequired

        public void setRequired​(boolean required)

        Specifies that the user must fill in a value.

        NOTE: The required indicator will not be visible, if there is no label property set for the textfield.
        setRequired in class GeneratedVaadinTextField<TextField,​String>
        required - the boolean value to set
      • isPreventInvalidInput

        public boolean isPreventInvalidInput()
        Since 23.2, this API is deprecated.
        When set to true, user is prevented from typing a value that conflicts with the given pattern.
        the preventInvalidInput property from the webcomponent
      • getPattern

        public String getPattern()
        A regular expression that the value is checked against. The pattern must match the entire value, not just some subset.
        the pattern property from the webcomponent
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        The text usually displayed in a tooltip popup when the mouse is over the field.
        the title property from the webcomponent
      • setRequiredIndicatorVisible

        public void setRequiredIndicatorVisible​(boolean requiredIndicatorVisible)
        Description copied from interface: HasValue
        Sets the required indicator visible or not.

        If set visible, it is visually indicated in the user interface.

        The method is intended to be used with Binder which does server-side validation. In case HTML element has its own (client-side) validation it should be disabled when setRequiredIndicatorVisible(true) is called and re-enabled back on setRequiredIndicatorVisible(false). It's responsibility of each component implementation to follow the contract so that the method call doesn't do anything else than show/hide the "required" indication. Usually components provide their own setRequired method which should be called in case the client-side validation is required.

        Specified by:
        setRequiredIndicatorVisible in interface HasValue<AbstractField.ComponentValueChangeEvent<TextField,​String>,​String>
        Specified by:
        setRequiredIndicatorVisible in interface HasValueAndElement<AbstractField.ComponentValueChangeEvent<TextField,​String>,​String>
        requiredIndicatorVisible - true to make the required indicator visible, false if not
      • getDefaultValidator

        public Validator<String> getDefaultValidator()
        Description copied from interface: HasValidator
        Returns a validator that checks the state of the Value. This should be overridden for components with internal value conversion or validation, e.g. when the user is providing a string that has to be parsed into a date. An invalid input from user will be exposed to a Binder and can be seen as a validation failure.
        Specified by:
        getDefaultValidator in interface HasValidator<String>
        state validator
      • addValidationStatusChangeListener

        public Registration addValidationStatusChangeListener​(ValidationStatusChangeListener<String> listener)
        Description copied from interface: HasValidator
        Enables the implementing components to notify changes in their validation status to the observers.

        Note: This method can be overridden by the implementing classes e.g. components, to enable the associated Binder.Binding instance subscribing for their validation change events and revalidate itself.

        This method primarily designed for notifying the Binding about the validation status changes of a bound component at the client-side. WebComponents such as <vaadin-date-picker> or any other component that accept a formatted text as input should be able to communicate their invalid status to their server-side instance, and a bound server-side component instance must notify its binding about this validation status change as well. When the binding instance revalidates, a chain of validators and convertors get executed one of which is the default validator provided by HasValidator.getDefaultValidator(). Thus, In order for the binding to be able to show/clear errors for its associated bound field, it is important that implementing components take that validation status into account while implementing any validator and converter including HasValidator.getDefaultValidator(). Here is an example:

         public class DatePickerDemo implements HasValidator<LocalDate> {
             // Each web component has a way to communicate its validation status
             // to its server-side component instance. The following clientSideValid
             // state is introduced here just for the sake of simplicity of this code
             // snippet:
             boolean clientSideValid = true;
              * Note how clientSideValid engaged in the definition
              * of this method. It is important to reflect this status either
              * in the returning validation result of this method or any other
              * validation that is associated with this component.
             public Validator getDefaultValidator() {
                  return (value, valueContext) -> clientSideValid ? ValidationResult.ok()
                         : ValidationResult.error("Invalid date format");
             private final Collection<ValidationStatusChangeListener<LocalDate>>
                 validationStatusListeners = new ArrayList<>();
              * This enables the binding to subscribe for the validation status
              * change events that are fired by this component and revalidate
              * itself respectively.
             public Registration addValidationStatusChangeListener(
                     ValidationStatusChangeListener<LocalDate> listener) {
                 return () -> validationStatusListeners.remove(listener);
             private void fireValidationStatusChangeEvent(
                     boolean newValidationStatus) {
                 if (this.clientSideValid != newValidationStatus) {
                     this.clientSideValid = newValidationStatus;
                     var event = new ValidationStatusChangeEvent<>(this,
                             listener -> listener.validationStatusChanged(event));
        Specified by:
        addValidationStatusChangeListener in interface HasValidator<String>
        Registration of the added listener.
        See Also:
        Binder.BindingBuilderImpl.bind(ValueProvider, Setter)
      • validate

        protected void validate()
        Performs server-side validation of the current value and the validation constraints of the field, such as setPattern(String). This is needed because it is possible to circumvent the client-side validation constraints using browser development tools.
        validate in class GeneratedVaadinTextField<TextField,​String>
      • onAttach

        protected void onAttach​(AttachEvent attachEvent)
        Description copied from class: Component
        Called when the component is attached to a UI.

        The default implementation does nothing.

        This method is invoked before the AttachEvent is fired for the component.

        onAttach in class Component
        attachEvent - the attach event
      • isFeatureFlagEnabled

        protected boolean isFeatureFlagEnabled​(Feature feature)
        Returns true if the given feature flag is enabled, false otherwise.

        Exposed with protected visibility to support mocking

        The method requires the VaadinService instance to obtain the available feature flags, otherwise, the feature is considered disabled.

        feature - the feature flag.
        whether the feature flag is enabled.