Class Tooltip

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  Tooltip.TooltipPosition
      Tooltip position in relation to the target element.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static Tooltip forComponent​(Component component)
      Creates a tooltip to the given Component.
      int getFocusDelay()
      The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on keyboard focus, when not in manual mode.
      int getHideDelay()
      The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is closed on losing hover, when not in manual mode.
      int getHoverDelay()
      The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on hover, when not in manual mode.
      Tooltip.TooltipPosition getPosition()
      Position of the tooltip with respect to its target.
      String getText()
      String used as a tooltip content.
      boolean isManual()
      When true, the tooltip is controlled programmatically instead of reacting to focus and mouse events.
      boolean isOpened()
      When true, the tooltip is opened programmatically.
      void setFocusDelay​(int focusDelay)
      The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on keyboard focus, when not in manual mode.
      void setHideDelay​(int hideDelay)
      The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is closed on losing hover, when not in manual mode.
      void setHoverDelay​(int hoverDelay)
      The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on hover, when not in manual mode.
      void setManual​(boolean manual)
      When true, the tooltip is controlled programmatically instead of reacting to focus and mouse events.
      void setOpened​(boolean opened)
      When true, the tooltip is opened programmatically.
      void setPosition​(Tooltip.TooltipPosition position)
      Position of the tooltip with respect to its target.
      void setText​(String text)
      String used as a tooltip content.
      Tooltip withFocusDelay​(int focusDelay)
      The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on keyboard focus, when not in manual mode.
      Tooltip withHideDelay​(int hideDelay)
      The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is closed on losing hover, when not in manual mode.
      Tooltip withHoverDelay​(int hoverDelay)
      The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on hover, when not in manual mode.
      Tooltip withManual​(boolean manual)
      When true, the tooltip is controlled programmatically instead of reacting to focus and mouse events.
      Tooltip withPosition​(Tooltip.TooltipPosition position)
      Position of the tooltip with respect to its target.
      Tooltip withText​(String text)
      String used as a tooltip content.
    • Method Detail

      • forComponent

        public static Tooltip forComponent​(Component component)
        Creates a tooltip to the given Component.
        component - the component to attach the tooltip to
        the tooltip handle
      • setText

        public void setText​(String text)
        String used as a tooltip content.
        text - the text to set
      • getText

        public String getText()
        String used as a tooltip content.
        the text
      • withText

        public Tooltip withText​(String text)
        String used as a tooltip content.
        text - the text to set
      • setFocusDelay

        public void setFocusDelay​(int focusDelay)
        The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on keyboard focus, when not in manual mode.
        focusDelay - the delay in milliseconds
      • getFocusDelay

        public int getFocusDelay()
        The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on keyboard focus, when not in manual mode.
        the delay in milliseconds
      • withFocusDelay

        public Tooltip withFocusDelay​(int focusDelay)
        The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on keyboard focus, when not in manual mode.
        focusDelay - the delay in milliseconds
      • setHideDelay

        public void setHideDelay​(int hideDelay)
        The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is closed on losing hover, when not in manual mode. On blur, the tooltip is closed immediately.
        hideDelay - the delay in milliseconds
      • getHideDelay

        public int getHideDelay()
        The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is closed on losing hover, when not in manual mode. On blur, the tooltip is closed immediately.
        the delay in milliseconds
      • withHideDelay

        public Tooltip withHideDelay​(int hideDelay)
        The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is closed on losing hover, when not in manual mode. On blur, the tooltip is closed immediately.
        hideDelay - the delay in milliseconds
      • setHoverDelay

        public void setHoverDelay​(int hoverDelay)
        The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on hover, when not in manual mode.
        hoverDelay - the delay in milliseconds
      • getHoverDelay

        public int getHoverDelay()
        The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on hover, when not in manual mode.
        the delay in milliseconds
      • withHoverDelay

        public Tooltip withHoverDelay​(int hoverDelay)
        The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip is opened on hover, when not in manual mode.
        hoverDelay - the delay in milliseconds
      • setPosition

        public void setPosition​(Tooltip.TooltipPosition position)
        Position of the tooltip with respect to its target.
        position - the position to set
      • getPosition

        public Tooltip.TooltipPosition getPosition()
        Position of the tooltip with respect to its target.
        the position
      • withPosition

        public Tooltip withPosition​(Tooltip.TooltipPosition position)
        Position of the tooltip with respect to its target.
        position - the position to set
      • setManual

        public void setManual​(boolean manual)
        When true, the tooltip is controlled programmatically instead of reacting to focus and mouse events.
        manual - true to enable manual mode
      • isManual

        public boolean isManual()
        When true, the tooltip is controlled programmatically instead of reacting to focus and mouse events.
        true if manual mode is enabled
      • withManual

        public Tooltip withManual​(boolean manual)
        When true, the tooltip is controlled programmatically instead of reacting to focus and mouse events.
        manual - true to enable manual mode
      • setOpened

        public void setOpened​(boolean opened)
        When true, the tooltip is opened programmatically. Only works if `manual` is set to `true`.
        opened - true to open the tooltip
      • isOpened

        public boolean isOpened()
        When true, the tooltip is opened programmatically. Only works if `manual` is set to `true`.
        true if the tooltip is opened