Class Row

    • Constructor Detail

      • Row

        public Row​(Component... components)
        Creates an new row with the given components.
        components - initial content of the row
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(Component... components)
        Adds the given component(s) to the row.

        All added components are set to use 1 column. Use setComponentSpan(Component, int) to make a component span multiple columns.

        Specified by:
        add in interface HasComponents
        components - the components to add
      • add

        public void add​(Component component,
                        int cols)
        Adds the given component to the row using the given number of columns.
        component - the component to add
        cols - the number of columns the component should use
      • addNestedRow

        public void addNestedRow​(Row row)
        Adds the given row as a nested row to the current row.
        row - the row to add as a nested row
      • getComponentSpan

        public int getComponentSpan​(Component component)
        Gets the number of columns the given component spans.
        component - the child component to get columns for
        the number of columns the component spans, by default 1.
      • setComponentSpan

        public void setComponentSpan​(Component component,
                                     int columns)
        Sets the number of columns the given component spans.
        component - the child component to set columns for
        columns - the number of columns the component spans