Class SystemConnectionContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SystemConnectionContext extends Object implements ConnectionContext
A connection context that is always active. This context is intended to be used in cases when Collaboration Engine is used in situations that aren't directly associated with a UI, such as from a background thread or when integrating with external services.

An instance can be acquired using getInstance() in any situation where CollaborationEngine.getInstance() is available. Other situations can use CollaborationEngine.getSystemContext() or create a new context instance using the constructor.

Vaadin Ltd
  • Constructor Details

    • SystemConnectionContext

      public SystemConnectionContext(CollaborationEngine ce)
      Creates a new system connection context instance for the given Collaboration Engine instance. It is typically recommended reusing an existing instance through getInstance() or CollaborationEngine.getSystemContext() rather than creating new instances.
      ce - the collaboration engine instance to use, not null
  • Method Details