Class DataProviderSeries<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Series, Serializable

public class DataProviderSeries<T> extends AbstractSeries
A series which is based on data from a DataProvider.

You must use setY(SerializableFunction) to define which part of the data bean to use as y values.

Note that even if you use a lazy loading DataProvider, this series will work in an eager fashion and load all the data from the provider at once.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setProperty

      public void setProperty(String propertyName, SerializableFunction<T,Object> callBack)
      Sets the function used for retrieving the value for the given property name from the given data provider.
      propertyName - the property name
      callBack - the function which retrieves the value for the property
    • setX

      public void setX(SerializableFunction<T,Object> callBack)
      Sets the function used for retrieving x values from the bean provided by the data provider.

      How exactly the values are used depends on the used chart type.

      callBack - the function which retrieves the values
    • setY

      public void setY(SerializableFunction<T,Object> callBack)
      Sets the function used for retrieving y values from the bean provided by the data provider.

      How exactly the values are used depends on the used chart type.

      callBack - the function which retrieves the values
    • setPointName

      public void setPointName(SerializableFunction<T,Object> callBack)
      Sets the function used for retrieving name values from the bean provided by the data provider.

      How exactly the values are used depends on the used chart type.

      callBack - the function which retrieves the values
    • setLow

      public void setLow(SerializableFunction<T,Object> callBack)
      Sets the function used for retrieving low values from the bean provided by the data provider.

      How exactly the values are used depends on the used chart type.

      callBack - the function which retrieves the values
    • setHigh

      public void setHigh(SerializableFunction<T,Object> callBack)
      Sets the function used for retrieving high values from the bean provided by the data provider.

      How exactly the values are used depends on the used chart type.

      callBack - the function which retrieves the values
    • setOpen

      public void setOpen(SerializableFunction<T,Object> callBack)
      Sets the function used for retrieving open values from the bean provided by the data provider.

      How exactly the values are used depends on the used chart type.

      callBack - the function which retrieves the values
    • setClose

      public void setClose(SerializableFunction<T,Object> callBack)
      Sets the function used for retrieving close values from the bean provided by the data provider.

      How exactly the values are used depends on the used chart type.

      callBack - the function which retrieves the values
    • getDataProvider

      public DataProvider<T,?> getDataProvider()
      Returns the underlying data provider.
      the underlying data provider.
    • getValues

      public List<Map<String,Optional<Object>>> getValues()
      Returns a list mappings between chart attributes(keys) and values. For example: x->1, x->2, y->2, y->3 for linear chart
    • getChartAttributes

      public Set<String> getChartAttributes()
      Returns a set of chart attributes(keys).
    • isAutomaticChartUpdateEnabled

      public boolean isAutomaticChartUpdateEnabled()
      Returns true if the chart is updated automatically when a DataChangeEvent is emitted by the data provider. Default is true.
    • setAutomaticChartUpdateEnabled

      public void setAutomaticChartUpdateEnabled(boolean automaticChartUpdateEnabled)
      Sets if the chart should be updated automatically when a DataChangeEvent is emitted by the data provider. Default is true.
      automaticChartUpdateEnabled - True sets the chart updating to enabled, false disables it.