Interface RequiredFieldConfigurator

All Superinterfaces:
BiPredicate<Annotation,Binder.BindingBuilder<?,?>>, Serializable, SerializableBiPredicate<Annotation,Binder.BindingBuilder<?,?>>

public interface RequiredFieldConfigurator extends SerializableBiPredicate<Annotation,Binder.BindingBuilder<?,?>>
This interface represents a predicate which returns true if bound field should be configured to have required indicator via HasValue.setRequiredIndicatorVisible(boolean).
Vaadin Ltd
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • NOT_NULL

      static final RequiredFieldConfigurator NOT_NULL
      Configurator which is aware of @NotNull annotation presence for a property where the default value is null.

      static final RequiredFieldConfigurator NOT_EMPTY
      Configurator which is aware of @NotEmpty annotation presence for a property where the default value is empty.
    • SIZE

      static final RequiredFieldConfigurator SIZE
      Configurator which is aware of Size annotation with min()> 0 presence for a property where the size of the default value is 0.

      static final RequiredFieldConfigurator DEFAULT
      Default configurator which is combination of NOT_NULL, NOT_EMPTY and SIZE configurators.
  • Method Details

    • chain

      Returns a configurator that chains together this configurator with the given configurator.
      configurator - the configurator to chain, , not null
      a chained configurator