Interface ReportableEntityHandler<T,​U>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void block​(T t)
      Handle the input object as blocked.
      void block​(T t, String message)
      Handle the input object as blocked.
      void reject​(String t, String message)
      Reject the input object as invalid, i.e.
      void reject​(T t, String message)
      Reject the input object as invalid, i.e.
      void report​(T t)
      Validate and accept the input object.
      void shutdown()
      Gracefully shutdown the pipeline.
    • Method Detail

      • report

        void report​(T t)
        Validate and accept the input object.
        t - object to accept.
      • block

        void block​(T t)
        Handle the input object as blocked. Blocked objects are otherwise valid objects that are rejected based on user-defined criteria.
        t - object to block.
      • block

        void block​(@Nullable
                   T t,
                   String message)
        Handle the input object as blocked. Blocked objects are otherwise valid objects that are rejected based on user-defined criteria.
        t - object to block.
        message - message to write to the main log.
      • reject

        void reject​(@Nullable
                    T t,
                    String message)
        Reject the input object as invalid, i.e. rejected based on criteria defined by Wavefront.
        t - object to reject.
        message - more user-friendly message to write to the main log.
      • reject

        void reject​(@Nonnull
                    String t,
                    String message)
        Reject the input object as invalid, i.e. rejected based on criteria defined by Wavefront.
        t - string to reject and to write to RawBlockedPointsLog.
        message - more user-friendly message to write to the main log.
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()
        Gracefully shutdown the pipeline.