Interface Model

  • public interface Model
    A Model represents the interface towards the model of an entire tenant, and defines methods for querying this model.
    Ulf Lilleengen
    • Method Detail

      • getConfigInstance getConfigInstance​(<?> configKey,
        Resolves config for a given key and config definition
        configKey - the key to resolve
        configDefinition - the config definition to use for the schema
      • allConfigsProduced

        Set<<?>> allConfigsProduced()
        Produces a set of the valid config keys for this model.
      • getHosts

        Collection<HostInfo> getHosts()
        Returns information about all hosts used in this model.
      • allConfigIds

        Set<String> allConfigIds()
        Returns all the config ids available for this model.
      • fileReferences

        Set<> fileReferences()
        The set of files that should be distributed to the hosts in this model.
      • allocatedHosts allocatedHosts()
        Gets the allocated hosts for this model.
        AllocatedHosts instance, if available
      • allowModelVersionMismatch

        default boolean allowModelVersionMismatch​(Instant now)
        Returns whether this application allows serving config request for a different version. This is a validation override which is useful when we skip loading old config models due to some problem, or when we need to try a newer version of the platform on some node.
      • skipOldConfigModels

        default boolean skipOldConfigModels​(Instant now)
        Returns whether old config models should be loaded (default) or not. Skipping old config models is a validation override which is useful when the old model version is known to contain some incompatibility with the application package and it is believed that the latest model version will deliver usable config for old versions requesting config.

        If a model returns true to this it should also return true to allowModelVersionMismatch(java.time.Instant) or clients requesting config for those old models will not get config at all.

      • version

        default version()
        Returns the version of this model.
      • provisioned

        default Provisioned provisioned()
        Returns the provisioned hosts of this.
      • documentTypesByCluster

        default Map<String,​Set<String>> documentTypesByCluster()
        Returns the set of document types in each content cluster.
      • indexedDocumentTypesByCluster

        default Map<String,​Set<String>> indexedDocumentTypesByCluster()
        Returns the set of document types in each cluster, that have an index for one of more fields.