Class Notifications

  • public class Notifications
    extends Object
    Configuration of notifications for deployment jobs. Supports a list of email addresses, and a list of roles for which email addresses are known. The currently supported roles are:
    • author: the author of the git commit of a given application package.
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static Notifications of​(Map<Notifications.When,​List<String>> emailAddressesByWhen,
                                       Map<Notifications.When,​List<Notifications.Role>> emailRolesByWhen)
        Returns a new Notifications as specified by the given String input.
        emailAddressesByWhen - What email addresses to notify, indexed by when to notify them.
        emailRolesByWhen - What roles to infer email addresses for, and notify, indexed by when to notify them.
        The Notifications as specified.
      • emailAddressesFor

        public Set<String> emailAddressesFor​(Notifications.When when)
        Returns all email addresses to notify for the given condition.