Package onnx

Interface Onnx.FunctionProtoOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
Onnx.FunctionProto, Onnx.FunctionProto.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface Onnx.FunctionProtoOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • hasName

      boolean hasName()
       The name of the function, similar usage of op_type in OperatorProto.
       Combined with FunctionProto.domain, this forms the unique identity of
       the FunctionProto.
      optional string name = 1;
      Whether the name field is set.
    • getName

      String getName()
       The name of the function, similar usage of op_type in OperatorProto.
       Combined with FunctionProto.domain, this forms the unique identity of
       the FunctionProto.
      optional string name = 1;
      The name.
    • getNameBytes getNameBytes()
       The name of the function, similar usage of op_type in OperatorProto.
       Combined with FunctionProto.domain, this forms the unique identity of
       the FunctionProto.
      optional string name = 1;
      The bytes for name.
    • getInputList

      List<String> getInputList()
       The inputs and outputs of the function.
      repeated string input = 4;
      A list containing the input.
    • getInputCount

      int getInputCount()
       The inputs and outputs of the function.
      repeated string input = 4;
      The count of input.
    • getInput

      String getInput(int index)
       The inputs and outputs of the function.
      repeated string input = 4;
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The input at the given index.
    • getInputBytes getInputBytes(int index)
       The inputs and outputs of the function.
      repeated string input = 4;
      index - The index of the value to return.
      The bytes of the input at the given index.
    • getOutputList

      List<String> getOutputList()
      repeated string output = 5;
      A list containing the output.
    • getOutputCount

      int getOutputCount()
      repeated string output = 5;
      The count of output.
    • getOutput

      String getOutput(int index)
      repeated string output = 5;
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The output at the given index.
    • getOutputBytes getOutputBytes(int index)
      repeated string output = 5;
      index - The index of the value to return.
      The bytes of the output at the given index.
    • getAttributeList

      List<String> getAttributeList()
       The attribute parameters of the function.
       It is for function parameters without default values.
      repeated string attribute = 6;
      A list containing the attribute.
    • getAttributeCount

      int getAttributeCount()
       The attribute parameters of the function.
       It is for function parameters without default values.
      repeated string attribute = 6;
      The count of attribute.
    • getAttribute

      String getAttribute(int index)
       The attribute parameters of the function.
       It is for function parameters without default values.
      repeated string attribute = 6;
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The attribute at the given index.
    • getAttributeBytes getAttributeBytes(int index)
       The attribute parameters of the function.
       It is for function parameters without default values.
      repeated string attribute = 6;
      index - The index of the value to return.
      The bytes of the attribute at the given index.
    • getAttributeProtoList

      List<Onnx.AttributeProto> getAttributeProtoList()
       The attribute protos of the function.
       It is for function attributes with default values.
       A function attribute shall be represented either as
       a string attribute or an AttributeProto, not both.
      repeated .onnx.AttributeProto attribute_proto = 11;
    • getAttributeProto

      Onnx.AttributeProto getAttributeProto(int index)
       The attribute protos of the function.
       It is for function attributes with default values.
       A function attribute shall be represented either as
       a string attribute or an AttributeProto, not both.
      repeated .onnx.AttributeProto attribute_proto = 11;
    • getAttributeProtoCount

      int getAttributeProtoCount()
       The attribute protos of the function.
       It is for function attributes with default values.
       A function attribute shall be represented either as
       a string attribute or an AttributeProto, not both.
      repeated .onnx.AttributeProto attribute_proto = 11;
    • getAttributeProtoOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.AttributeProtoOrBuilder> getAttributeProtoOrBuilderList()
       The attribute protos of the function.
       It is for function attributes with default values.
       A function attribute shall be represented either as
       a string attribute or an AttributeProto, not both.
      repeated .onnx.AttributeProto attribute_proto = 11;
    • getAttributeProtoOrBuilder

      Onnx.AttributeProtoOrBuilder getAttributeProtoOrBuilder(int index)
       The attribute protos of the function.
       It is for function attributes with default values.
       A function attribute shall be represented either as
       a string attribute or an AttributeProto, not both.
      repeated .onnx.AttributeProto attribute_proto = 11;
    • getNodeList

      List<Onnx.NodeProto> getNodeList()
       The nodes in the function.
      repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 7;
    • getNode

      Onnx.NodeProto getNode(int index)
       The nodes in the function.
      repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 7;
    • getNodeCount

      int getNodeCount()
       The nodes in the function.
      repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 7;
    • getNodeOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.NodeProtoOrBuilder> getNodeOrBuilderList()
       The nodes in the function.
      repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 7;
    • getNodeOrBuilder

      Onnx.NodeProtoOrBuilder getNodeOrBuilder(int index)
       The nodes in the function.
      repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 7;
    • hasDocString

      boolean hasDocString()
       A human-readable documentation for this function. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 8;
      Whether the docString field is set.
    • getDocString

      String getDocString()
       A human-readable documentation for this function. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 8;
      The docString.
    • getDocStringBytes getDocStringBytes()
       A human-readable documentation for this function. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 8;
      The bytes for docString.
    • getOpsetImportList

      List<Onnx.OperatorSetIdProto> getOpsetImportList()
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 9;
    • getOpsetImport

      Onnx.OperatorSetIdProto getOpsetImport(int index)
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 9;
    • getOpsetImportCount

      int getOpsetImportCount()
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 9;
    • getOpsetImportOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.OperatorSetIdProtoOrBuilder> getOpsetImportOrBuilderList()
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 9;
    • getOpsetImportOrBuilder

      Onnx.OperatorSetIdProtoOrBuilder getOpsetImportOrBuilder(int index)
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 9;
    • hasDomain

      boolean hasDomain()
       The domain which this function belongs to. Combined with, this forms the unique identity of
       the FunctionProto.
      optional string domain = 10;
      Whether the domain field is set.
    • getDomain

      String getDomain()
       The domain which this function belongs to. Combined with, this forms the unique identity of
       the FunctionProto.
      optional string domain = 10;
      The domain.
    • getDomainBytes getDomainBytes()
       The domain which this function belongs to. Combined with, this forms the unique identity of
       the FunctionProto.
      optional string domain = 10;
      The bytes for domain.