Package onnx

Class Onnx.TensorProto.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:,,,, Cloneable, Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
Enclosing class:

public static final class Onnx.TensorProto.Builder extends<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder> implements Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
 A serialized tensor value.
Protobuf type onnx.TensorProto
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • clear

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clear()
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public Onnx.TensorProto getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public Onnx.TensorProto build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public Onnx.TensorProto buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • clone

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clone()
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      clone in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • setField

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setField in interface
      setField in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • clearField

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearField( field)
      Specified by:
      clearField in interface
      clearField in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • clearOneof

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearOneof( oneof)
      Specified by:
      clearOneof in interface
      clearOneof in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • setRepeatedField

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setRepeatedField in interface
      setRepeatedField in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • addRepeatedField

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addRepeatedField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      addRepeatedField in interface
      addRepeatedField in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder mergeFrom(Onnx.TensorProto other)
    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • getDimsList

      public List<Long> getDimsList()
       The shape of the tensor.
      repeated int64 dims = 1;
      Specified by:
      getDimsList in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      A list containing the dims.
    • getDimsCount

      public int getDimsCount()
       The shape of the tensor.
      repeated int64 dims = 1;
      Specified by:
      getDimsCount in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The count of dims.
    • getDims

      public long getDims(int index)
       The shape of the tensor.
      repeated int64 dims = 1;
      Specified by:
      getDims in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The dims at the given index.
    • setDims

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setDims(int index, long value)
       The shape of the tensor.
      repeated int64 dims = 1;
      index - The index to set the value at.
      value - The dims to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addDims

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addDims(long value)
       The shape of the tensor.
      repeated int64 dims = 1;
      value - The dims to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addAllDims

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addAllDims(Iterable<? extends Long> values)
       The shape of the tensor.
      repeated int64 dims = 1;
      values - The dims to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearDims

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearDims()
       The shape of the tensor.
      repeated int64 dims = 1;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasDataType

      public boolean hasDataType()
       The data type of the tensor.
       This field MUST have a valid TensorProto.DataType value
      optional int32 data_type = 2;
      Specified by:
      hasDataType in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      Whether the dataType field is set.
    • getDataType

      public int getDataType()
       The data type of the tensor.
       This field MUST have a valid TensorProto.DataType value
      optional int32 data_type = 2;
      Specified by:
      getDataType in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The dataType.
    • setDataType

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setDataType(int value)
       The data type of the tensor.
       This field MUST have a valid TensorProto.DataType value
      optional int32 data_type = 2;
      value - The dataType to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearDataType

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearDataType()
       The data type of the tensor.
       This field MUST have a valid TensorProto.DataType value
      optional int32 data_type = 2;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasSegment

      public boolean hasSegment()
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.Segment segment = 3;
      Specified by:
      hasSegment in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      Whether the segment field is set.
    • getSegment

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Segment getSegment()
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.Segment segment = 3;
      Specified by:
      getSegment in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The segment.
    • setSegment

      optional .onnx.TensorProto.Segment segment = 3;
    • setSegment

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setSegment(Onnx.TensorProto.Segment.Builder builderForValue)
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.Segment segment = 3;
    • mergeSegment

      optional .onnx.TensorProto.Segment segment = 3;
    • clearSegment

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearSegment()
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.Segment segment = 3;
    • getSegmentBuilder

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Segment.Builder getSegmentBuilder()
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.Segment segment = 3;
    • getSegmentOrBuilder

      public Onnx.TensorProto.SegmentOrBuilder getSegmentOrBuilder()
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.Segment segment = 3;
      Specified by:
      getSegmentOrBuilder in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
    • getFloatDataList

      public List<Float> getFloatDataList()
       For float and complex64 values
       Complex64 tensors are encoded as a single array of floats,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be FLOAT or COMPLEX64.
      repeated float float_data = 4 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getFloatDataList in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      A list containing the floatData.
    • getFloatDataCount

      public int getFloatDataCount()
       For float and complex64 values
       Complex64 tensors are encoded as a single array of floats,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be FLOAT or COMPLEX64.
      repeated float float_data = 4 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getFloatDataCount in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The count of floatData.
    • getFloatData

      public float getFloatData(int index)
       For float and complex64 values
       Complex64 tensors are encoded as a single array of floats,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be FLOAT or COMPLEX64.
      repeated float float_data = 4 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getFloatData in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The floatData at the given index.
    • setFloatData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setFloatData(int index, float value)
       For float and complex64 values
       Complex64 tensors are encoded as a single array of floats,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be FLOAT or COMPLEX64.
      repeated float float_data = 4 [packed = true];
      index - The index to set the value at.
      value - The floatData to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addFloatData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addFloatData(float value)
       For float and complex64 values
       Complex64 tensors are encoded as a single array of floats,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be FLOAT or COMPLEX64.
      repeated float float_data = 4 [packed = true];
      value - The floatData to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addAllFloatData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addAllFloatData(Iterable<? extends Float> values)
       For float and complex64 values
       Complex64 tensors are encoded as a single array of floats,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be FLOAT or COMPLEX64.
      repeated float float_data = 4 [packed = true];
      values - The floatData to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearFloatData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearFloatData()
       For float and complex64 values
       Complex64 tensors are encoded as a single array of floats,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be FLOAT or COMPLEX64.
      repeated float float_data = 4 [packed = true];
      This builder for chaining.
    • getInt32DataList

      public List<Integer> getInt32DataList()
       For int32, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, bool, float8, and float16 values
       float16 and float8 values must be bit-wise converted to an uint16_t prior
       to writing to the buffer.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
      repeated int32 int32_data = 5 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getInt32DataList in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      A list containing the int32Data.
    • getInt32DataCount

      public int getInt32DataCount()
       For int32, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, bool, float8, and float16 values
       float16 and float8 values must be bit-wise converted to an uint16_t prior
       to writing to the buffer.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
      repeated int32 int32_data = 5 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getInt32DataCount in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The count of int32Data.
    • getInt32Data

      public int getInt32Data(int index)
       For int32, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, bool, float8, and float16 values
       float16 and float8 values must be bit-wise converted to an uint16_t prior
       to writing to the buffer.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
      repeated int32 int32_data = 5 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getInt32Data in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The int32Data at the given index.
    • setInt32Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setInt32Data(int index, int value)
       For int32, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, bool, float8, and float16 values
       float16 and float8 values must be bit-wise converted to an uint16_t prior
       to writing to the buffer.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
      repeated int32 int32_data = 5 [packed = true];
      index - The index to set the value at.
      value - The int32Data to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addInt32Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addInt32Data(int value)
       For int32, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, bool, float8, and float16 values
       float16 and float8 values must be bit-wise converted to an uint16_t prior
       to writing to the buffer.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
      repeated int32 int32_data = 5 [packed = true];
      value - The int32Data to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addAllInt32Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addAllInt32Data(Iterable<? extends Integer> values)
       For int32, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, bool, float8, and float16 values
       float16 and float8 values must be bit-wise converted to an uint16_t prior
       to writing to the buffer.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
      repeated int32 int32_data = 5 [packed = true];
      values - The int32Data to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearInt32Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearInt32Data()
       For int32, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, bool, float8, and float16 values
       float16 and float8 values must be bit-wise converted to an uint16_t prior
       to writing to the buffer.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
      repeated int32 int32_data = 5 [packed = true];
      This builder for chaining.
    • getStringDataList

      public List<> getStringDataList()
       For strings.
       Each element of string_data is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode
       string. No trailing null, no leading BOM. The protobuf "string"
       scalar type is not used to match ML community conventions.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be STRING
      repeated bytes string_data = 6;
      Specified by:
      getStringDataList in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      A list containing the stringData.
    • getStringDataCount

      public int getStringDataCount()
       For strings.
       Each element of string_data is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode
       string. No trailing null, no leading BOM. The protobuf "string"
       scalar type is not used to match ML community conventions.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be STRING
      repeated bytes string_data = 6;
      Specified by:
      getStringDataCount in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The count of stringData.
    • getStringData

      public getStringData(int index)
       For strings.
       Each element of string_data is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode
       string. No trailing null, no leading BOM. The protobuf "string"
       scalar type is not used to match ML community conventions.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be STRING
      repeated bytes string_data = 6;
      Specified by:
      getStringData in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The stringData at the given index.
    • setStringData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setStringData(int index, value)
       For strings.
       Each element of string_data is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode
       string. No trailing null, no leading BOM. The protobuf "string"
       scalar type is not used to match ML community conventions.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be STRING
      repeated bytes string_data = 6;
      index - The index to set the value at.
      value - The stringData to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addStringData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addStringData( value)
       For strings.
       Each element of string_data is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode
       string. No trailing null, no leading BOM. The protobuf "string"
       scalar type is not used to match ML community conventions.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be STRING
      repeated bytes string_data = 6;
      value - The stringData to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addAllStringData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addAllStringData(Iterable<? extends> values)
       For strings.
       Each element of string_data is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode
       string. No trailing null, no leading BOM. The protobuf "string"
       scalar type is not used to match ML community conventions.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be STRING
      repeated bytes string_data = 6;
      values - The stringData to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearStringData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearStringData()
       For strings.
       Each element of string_data is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode
       string. No trailing null, no leading BOM. The protobuf "string"
       scalar type is not used to match ML community conventions.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be STRING
      repeated bytes string_data = 6;
      This builder for chaining.
    • getInt64DataList

      public List<Long> getInt64DataList()
       For int64.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be INT64
      repeated int64 int64_data = 7 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getInt64DataList in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      A list containing the int64Data.
    • getInt64DataCount

      public int getInt64DataCount()
       For int64.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be INT64
      repeated int64 int64_data = 7 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getInt64DataCount in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The count of int64Data.
    • getInt64Data

      public long getInt64Data(int index)
       For int64.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be INT64
      repeated int64 int64_data = 7 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getInt64Data in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The int64Data at the given index.
    • setInt64Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setInt64Data(int index, long value)
       For int64.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be INT64
      repeated int64 int64_data = 7 [packed = true];
      index - The index to set the value at.
      value - The int64Data to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addInt64Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addInt64Data(long value)
       For int64.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be INT64
      repeated int64 int64_data = 7 [packed = true];
      value - The int64Data to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addAllInt64Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addAllInt64Data(Iterable<? extends Long> values)
       For int64.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be INT64
      repeated int64 int64_data = 7 [packed = true];
      values - The int64Data to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearInt64Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearInt64Data()
       For int64.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be INT64
      repeated int64 int64_data = 7 [packed = true];
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasName

      public boolean hasName()
       Optionally, a name for the tensor.
      optional string name = 8;
      Specified by:
      hasName in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      Whether the name field is set.
    • getName

      public String getName()
       Optionally, a name for the tensor.
      optional string name = 8;
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The name.
    • getNameBytes

      public getNameBytes()
       Optionally, a name for the tensor.
      optional string name = 8;
      Specified by:
      getNameBytes in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The bytes for name.
    • setName

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setName(String value)
       Optionally, a name for the tensor.
      optional string name = 8;
      value - The name to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearName

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearName()
       Optionally, a name for the tensor.
      optional string name = 8;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setNameBytes

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setNameBytes( value)
       Optionally, a name for the tensor.
      optional string name = 8;
      value - The bytes for name to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasDocString

      public boolean hasDocString()
       A human-readable documentation for this tensor. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 12;
      Specified by:
      hasDocString in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      Whether the docString field is set.
    • getDocString

      public String getDocString()
       A human-readable documentation for this tensor. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 12;
      Specified by:
      getDocString in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The docString.
    • getDocStringBytes

      public getDocStringBytes()
       A human-readable documentation for this tensor. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 12;
      Specified by:
      getDocStringBytes in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The bytes for docString.
    • setDocString

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setDocString(String value)
       A human-readable documentation for this tensor. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 12;
      value - The docString to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearDocString

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearDocString()
       A human-readable documentation for this tensor. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 12;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setDocStringBytes

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setDocStringBytes( value)
       A human-readable documentation for this tensor. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 12;
      value - The bytes for docString to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasRawData

      public boolean hasRawData()
       Serializations can either use one of the fields above, or use this
       raw bytes field. The only exception is the string case, where one is
       required to store the content in the repeated bytes string_data field.
       When this raw_data field is used to store tensor value, elements MUST
       be stored in as fixed-width, little-endian order.
       Floating-point data types MUST be stored in IEEE 754 format.
       Complex64 elements must be written as two consecutive FLOAT values, real component first.
       Complex128 elements must be written as two consecutive DOUBLE values, real component first.
       Boolean type MUST be written one byte per tensor element (00000001 for true, 00000000 for false).
       Note: the advantage of specific field rather than the raw_data field is
       that in some cases (e.g. int data), protobuf does a better packing via
       variable length storage, and may lead to smaller binary footprint.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST NOT be STRING or UNDEFINED
      optional bytes raw_data = 9;
      Specified by:
      hasRawData in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      Whether the rawData field is set.
    • getRawData

      public getRawData()
       Serializations can either use one of the fields above, or use this
       raw bytes field. The only exception is the string case, where one is
       required to store the content in the repeated bytes string_data field.
       When this raw_data field is used to store tensor value, elements MUST
       be stored in as fixed-width, little-endian order.
       Floating-point data types MUST be stored in IEEE 754 format.
       Complex64 elements must be written as two consecutive FLOAT values, real component first.
       Complex128 elements must be written as two consecutive DOUBLE values, real component first.
       Boolean type MUST be written one byte per tensor element (00000001 for true, 00000000 for false).
       Note: the advantage of specific field rather than the raw_data field is
       that in some cases (e.g. int data), protobuf does a better packing via
       variable length storage, and may lead to smaller binary footprint.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST NOT be STRING or UNDEFINED
      optional bytes raw_data = 9;
      Specified by:
      getRawData in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The rawData.
    • setRawData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setRawData( value)
       Serializations can either use one of the fields above, or use this
       raw bytes field. The only exception is the string case, where one is
       required to store the content in the repeated bytes string_data field.
       When this raw_data field is used to store tensor value, elements MUST
       be stored in as fixed-width, little-endian order.
       Floating-point data types MUST be stored in IEEE 754 format.
       Complex64 elements must be written as two consecutive FLOAT values, real component first.
       Complex128 elements must be written as two consecutive DOUBLE values, real component first.
       Boolean type MUST be written one byte per tensor element (00000001 for true, 00000000 for false).
       Note: the advantage of specific field rather than the raw_data field is
       that in some cases (e.g. int data), protobuf does a better packing via
       variable length storage, and may lead to smaller binary footprint.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST NOT be STRING or UNDEFINED
      optional bytes raw_data = 9;
      value - The rawData to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearRawData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearRawData()
       Serializations can either use one of the fields above, or use this
       raw bytes field. The only exception is the string case, where one is
       required to store the content in the repeated bytes string_data field.
       When this raw_data field is used to store tensor value, elements MUST
       be stored in as fixed-width, little-endian order.
       Floating-point data types MUST be stored in IEEE 754 format.
       Complex64 elements must be written as two consecutive FLOAT values, real component first.
       Complex128 elements must be written as two consecutive DOUBLE values, real component first.
       Boolean type MUST be written one byte per tensor element (00000001 for true, 00000000 for false).
       Note: the advantage of specific field rather than the raw_data field is
       that in some cases (e.g. int data), protobuf does a better packing via
       variable length storage, and may lead to smaller binary footprint.
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST NOT be STRING or UNDEFINED
      optional bytes raw_data = 9;
      This builder for chaining.
    • getExternalDataList

      public List<Onnx.StringStringEntryProto> getExternalDataList()
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
      Specified by:
      getExternalDataList in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
    • getExternalDataCount

      public int getExternalDataCount()
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
      Specified by:
      getExternalDataCount in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
    • getExternalData

      public Onnx.StringStringEntryProto getExternalData(int index)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
      Specified by:
      getExternalData in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
    • setExternalData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setExternalData(int index, Onnx.StringStringEntryProto value)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • setExternalData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setExternalData(int index, Onnx.StringStringEntryProto.Builder builderForValue)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • addExternalData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addExternalData(Onnx.StringStringEntryProto value)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • addExternalData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addExternalData(int index, Onnx.StringStringEntryProto value)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • addExternalData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addExternalData(Onnx.StringStringEntryProto.Builder builderForValue)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • addExternalData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addExternalData(int index, Onnx.StringStringEntryProto.Builder builderForValue)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • addAllExternalData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addAllExternalData(Iterable<? extends Onnx.StringStringEntryProto> values)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • clearExternalData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearExternalData()
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • removeExternalData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder removeExternalData(int index)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • getExternalDataBuilder

      public Onnx.StringStringEntryProto.Builder getExternalDataBuilder(int index)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • getExternalDataOrBuilder

      public Onnx.StringStringEntryProtoOrBuilder getExternalDataOrBuilder(int index)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
      Specified by:
      getExternalDataOrBuilder in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
    • getExternalDataOrBuilderList

      public List<? extends Onnx.StringStringEntryProtoOrBuilder> getExternalDataOrBuilderList()
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
      Specified by:
      getExternalDataOrBuilderList in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
    • addExternalDataBuilder

      public Onnx.StringStringEntryProto.Builder addExternalDataBuilder()
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • addExternalDataBuilder

      public Onnx.StringStringEntryProto.Builder addExternalDataBuilder(int index)
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • getExternalDataBuilderList

      public List<Onnx.StringStringEntryProto.Builder> getExternalDataBuilderList()
       Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data.
       Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field.
       external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are:
       - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX
                                 protobuf model was stored
       - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string.
                               Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support.
       - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string.
       - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13;
    • hasDataLocation

      public boolean hasDataLocation()
       If value not set, data is stored in raw_data (if set) otherwise in type-specified field.
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.DataLocation data_location = 14;
      Specified by:
      hasDataLocation in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      Whether the dataLocation field is set.
    • getDataLocation

      public Onnx.TensorProto.DataLocation getDataLocation()
       If value not set, data is stored in raw_data (if set) otherwise in type-specified field.
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.DataLocation data_location = 14;
      Specified by:
      getDataLocation in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The dataLocation.
    • setDataLocation

       If value not set, data is stored in raw_data (if set) otherwise in type-specified field.
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.DataLocation data_location = 14;
      value - The dataLocation to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearDataLocation

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearDataLocation()
       If value not set, data is stored in raw_data (if set) otherwise in type-specified field.
      optional .onnx.TensorProto.DataLocation data_location = 14;
      This builder for chaining.
    • getDoubleDataList

      public List<Double> getDoubleDataList()
       For double
       Complex128 tensors are encoded as a single array of doubles,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be DOUBLE or COMPLEX128
      repeated double double_data = 10 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getDoubleDataList in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      A list containing the doubleData.
    • getDoubleDataCount

      public int getDoubleDataCount()
       For double
       Complex128 tensors are encoded as a single array of doubles,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be DOUBLE or COMPLEX128
      repeated double double_data = 10 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getDoubleDataCount in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The count of doubleData.
    • getDoubleData

      public double getDoubleData(int index)
       For double
       Complex128 tensors are encoded as a single array of doubles,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be DOUBLE or COMPLEX128
      repeated double double_data = 10 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getDoubleData in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The doubleData at the given index.
    • setDoubleData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setDoubleData(int index, double value)
       For double
       Complex128 tensors are encoded as a single array of doubles,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be DOUBLE or COMPLEX128
      repeated double double_data = 10 [packed = true];
      index - The index to set the value at.
      value - The doubleData to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addDoubleData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addDoubleData(double value)
       For double
       Complex128 tensors are encoded as a single array of doubles,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be DOUBLE or COMPLEX128
      repeated double double_data = 10 [packed = true];
      value - The doubleData to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addAllDoubleData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addAllDoubleData(Iterable<? extends Double> values)
       For double
       Complex128 tensors are encoded as a single array of doubles,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be DOUBLE or COMPLEX128
      repeated double double_data = 10 [packed = true];
      values - The doubleData to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearDoubleData

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearDoubleData()
       For double
       Complex128 tensors are encoded as a single array of doubles,
       with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions,
       and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the
       subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i]
       is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0]
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be DOUBLE or COMPLEX128
      repeated double double_data = 10 [packed = true];
      This builder for chaining.
    • getUint64DataList

      public List<Long> getUint64DataList()
       For uint64 and uint32 values
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
       UINT32 or UINT64
      repeated uint64 uint64_data = 11 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getUint64DataList in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      A list containing the uint64Data.
    • getUint64DataCount

      public int getUint64DataCount()
       For uint64 and uint32 values
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
       UINT32 or UINT64
      repeated uint64 uint64_data = 11 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getUint64DataCount in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      The count of uint64Data.
    • getUint64Data

      public long getUint64Data(int index)
       For uint64 and uint32 values
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
       UINT32 or UINT64
      repeated uint64 uint64_data = 11 [packed = true];
      Specified by:
      getUint64Data in interface Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The uint64Data at the given index.
    • setUint64Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setUint64Data(int index, long value)
       For uint64 and uint32 values
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
       UINT32 or UINT64
      repeated uint64 uint64_data = 11 [packed = true];
      index - The index to set the value at.
      value - The uint64Data to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addUint64Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addUint64Data(long value)
       For uint64 and uint32 values
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
       UINT32 or UINT64
      repeated uint64 uint64_data = 11 [packed = true];
      value - The uint64Data to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addAllUint64Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder addAllUint64Data(Iterable<? extends Long> values)
       For uint64 and uint32 values
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
       UINT32 or UINT64
      repeated uint64 uint64_data = 11 [packed = true];
      values - The uint64Data to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearUint64Data

      public Onnx.TensorProto.Builder clearUint64Data()
       For uint64 and uint32 values
       When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
       UINT32 or UINT64
      repeated uint64 uint64_data = 11 [packed = true];
      This builder for chaining.
    • setUnknownFields

      public final Onnx.TensorProto.Builder setUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      setUnknownFields in interface
      setUnknownFields in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>
    • mergeUnknownFields

      public final Onnx.TensorProto.Builder mergeUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      mergeUnknownFields in interface
      mergeUnknownFields in class<Onnx.TensorProto.Builder>