Interface ZoneList

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ZoneList extends ZoneFilter
Provides filters for and access to a list of ZoneIds. This is typically offered after an initial filter from ZoneFilter has been applied. This forces the developer to consider which zones to process.
  • Method Details

    • not

      ZoneList not()
      Negates the next filter.
      Specified by:
      not in interface ZoneFilter
    • in

      ZoneList in(Environment... environments)
      Zones in one of the given environments.
    • in

      ZoneList in(RegionName... regions)
      Zones in one of the given regions.
    • among

      ZoneList among(ZoneId... zones)
      Only the given zones — combine with not() for best effect!
    • zones

      List<? extends ZoneApi> zones()
      Returns the ZoneApi of all zones in this list.
    • ids

      default List<ZoneId> ids()
      Returns the ZoneIds of all zones in this list.