Class ZoneId


public class ZoneId extends Object
Unique identifier for a Zone; use when referencing them.

Serialised form is 'environment.region'.

  • Method Details

    • ofVirtualControllerZone

      public static ZoneId ofVirtualControllerZone()
      The ZoneId associated with the controller, distinct from all other zones in the system, but a constant across systems.

      The controller may also be associated with a real zone, i.e. with a region defining the location like aws-us-east-1a. Because such a zone ID is different for different systems, and may clash with a prod zone in the same region and system, the virtual zone ID is often used.

    • from

      public static ZoneId from(Environment environment, RegionName region)
    • from

      public static ZoneId from(String environment, String region)
    • from

      public static ZoneId from(String value)
      Create from a serialised ZoneId. Inverse of ZoneId.value().
    • defaultId

      public static ZoneId defaultId()
    • environment

      public Environment environment()
    • region

      public RegionName region()
    • value

      public String value()
      Returns the serialised value of this. Inverse of ZoneId.from(String value).
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object